Saturday, August 31, 2019

Asserting Ethnic Identity and Power Through Language Essay

Week-1 The linguistic ideology at work here is founded both on the concept of the ‘mother tongue’ as well as on the ‘one nation, one language’ principle. Communities on the western side of the border are not interested in learning the language of their eastern neighbors. Eastern communities, on the other hand, are strongly motivated to learn western languages. The importance attributed to English as the ‘language of globalization’ is common to both sides. We can actually say that ‘language’ is a very hot and recurrent issue for some communities: namely the German-speaking community in Bernstein (D), the Czech-speaking community in Vejprty (CS), the German-speaking and Slovenian-speaking communities in Eisenkappel/Z? elezna Kapla (A),etc. The term ‘mother tongue’ is often used – forms the ‘way of thinking’ of its speakers, and thus the different ‘mentalities’ and ‘national characters’ are connected with the use of different languages. Many informants are convinced that it is the ‘mother tongue’ which determines thought, social behavior, and exhibition or control of affection and emotions. Thus the confrontation between languages automatically becomes a clash of mentalities. For example, the German-speaking community in Ba? renstein finds there is a relation between the insurmountable difficulty in pronouncing and learning the Czech language and the incomprehensibility of the words Czech-speaking people produce. People in western communities explain this widespread knowledge by saying that ‘the Others’ need to know my language, because my language is the superior One. We can also find indices of implicit prestige in many interview quotes, like ‘my language is useful to find a job’, ‘my language is more international than theirs’, ‘it represents a symbol of upward social mobility’; ‘the importance of my language forces them to learn it, and in this way they show practical sense, intelligence and cleverness, because they well know that the knowledge of the languages spoken on both sides of the border offers more professional and economic opportunities’. People are not generally interested in learning the language of the ‘Other’, and the reason is, as we have already seen, its ‘uselessness’, or its low value on the ‘language market’. They only learn what they need in their commercial transactions. Europe is a multilingual continent in which the tension between linguistic pluralism and assimilation is quite evident at present. Week-2 The topic for this week was â€Å"Creation of a Sense of Belonging through Language†, which we found very much interesting as we have to present our own explanation, views and thoughts. The topic is about Finland, Iceland and Latvia. Firstly we discussed about Finland that Swedish-speaking people along the coastlines, spoke a non-Scandinavian language, namely Finnish. The Finnish language was to become the most effective medium in the nation-building process as well as the most important criterion in creating an awareness of a collective identity. Language became a defining characteristic towards the ‘outside’ and a communicative driving force on the ‘inside’ within the great diversity of local and regional cultures. We could say that for the process of nation-building in Finland during the 19th century two main deficits had to be overcome: sovereign state structures had to be developed and an individual Finnish national consciousness had to be formed. In the process of spreading a Finnish national consciousness – a development often associated with the term ‘awakening’ as in a religious experience – the main focus was directed towards the common people, their language and culture. Finland’s modest cultural life, Finnish had gained the status of a modern cultural and scientific language. The civil servants, scholars, and many artists, continued to use Swedish as their language of communication and publication. But Finnish steadily gained ground. Many people were already, or became, bilingual. The accusation that Finnish was ‘too primitive’ was defeated by generating new terms, which proved that the language was innovative and possessed the potential for development. In the discussion about Iceland by Halfdanarson. The text tells a story of Icelandic nationalism and the struggle for independence of Iceland under Danish rule. Halfdanarson points out the rare case of Icelandic nationalism, and it’s non-violent nature. In fact, according to the article, both Iceland’s struggle for independence and the Danish reactions to it were both surprisingly pacific in nature, partly because of the idea of shared past and cultural heritage between the two countries. There are certain elements in common with the case study of Iceland and Herder’s text, such as the idea of mystic, shared past of a nation, the role of the single language of a social group forming the nation and so on. I think especially in cases like Iceland, language and linguistic identity have essential role in formation of national identity. Iceland is isolated, both in geographical terms as an island in the middle of Atlantic ocean and in terms of language. Although Icelandic is a language related to scandinavian languages, it still differes from them quite a lot. And lastly There was a question that is it possible to have a single language in whole Europe? We think its not possible to have a single langage in the whole Europe as there are many different countries with their own languages from last hundreds of years. In Europe, People communicate with each other using the shared language of their group. The group might be as small as a couple (married or unmarried partners, twins, mother and daughter etc. who share a ‘private’ language where only they know the meaning of some words) or as large as a nation, where everyone understands the allusions in their shared language (often allusions to shared history, to contemporary events, to media people of fact or fiction etc). The ‘secret’ language of the smallest group and the ‘public’ language of the national group are two ‘varieties’ of the same language. Every social group, large or small, has its own language variety, (regional groups have varieties of the national language (as opposed to regional or minority languages) which are usually called ‘dialects’) and there is overlap among all the varieties. However there is a possibility to use English as a second language as use of English gives a considerable advantage to the 13 % of EU citizens who are native English speakers, and to speakers of closely related languages (German, Dutch, Danish and Swedish), over all other Europeans. Week-3 In the week 3, we learned about ‘Language and subjective identity’. The two articles were on Franz Kafka and Simone de Beauvoir. Franz Kafka was German though he never lived among the Germans. He was then living in Prague, Czech. Hence Kafka knew both Czech & German languages. But, he preferred Czech Language as he was of the view that one could express his/her feeling in a better way in a particular language. In this case, he thought that Czech was a better language than German to express his feelings. Franz Kafka was in love with Czech translator Milena Jesenka. He used to demand Milena to write him letters in Czech language than German. He belived in a approach â€Å"belongs to a language†. When Milena replied his letters in Czech, he believed that Czech was much more affectionate, which removes all the uncertainties, he could see his lover more clearly, the movements of her body, her hands quickly which almost resembled as they both are meeting. This shows how Kafka prefered Czech more than German. Kafka encouraged his favourite sister Ottla in her marriage to Josef David, a Czech Catholic, against the opposition of parents and relatives, and wrote affectionately to his new brother-in-law in fluent Czech. For Prague Jews of Kafka’s generation, language and identity could be painfully dissonant. In Kafka’s case, this dissonance reached deep into his own family, conferring an alien quality on the most intimate of human relationships. Franz Kafka died of tuberculosis in 1924. He is buried beside his parents in the family plot in Prague’s New Jewish Cemetery. Simone de Beauvoir is a French Women. She was French writer, political activist, feminist, and social theorist. She gave her whole life for feminine rights and equality with men in Society. Beauvoir was an outstanding student. She did her postgraduate work at the Ecole Normale Superieure, the top postgraduate program in France, where she met Jean Paul Sartre. When World War II broke out in September 1939, Sartre was called for military service. He became a prisoner of war when the French army surrendered, but he was released and both Beauvoir and Sartre participated in the resistance, and after the Vichy Regime dismissed Beauvoir from her teaching position, she began a novel about the resistance. When the war ended, Beauvoir and Sartre became part of a group of leading French intellectuals, who concerned themselves with the perceived failures of modern French society. they founded Les Temps modernes as a means to explain their social and cultural views. At the same time, Sartre suggested to Beauvoir that she undertake a book on the status of women, and she published, La deuxieme sexe (The Second Sex). This was her most famous, and influential book. It became a sourcebook of modern feminism, particularly in the United States for later feminist thinkers such as Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem. De Beauvoir used very specific and effective and powerful words to underline her matter. She is willing to deploy language and words towards others, because she knows about â€Å"a manner in which her body and her relation to the world are modified through the action of others than herself†.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Women Past and Present

Women Past and Present During the 20th century, women in general was limited, however women are now in a much better position than before. We, as women, especially those of us who live in liberal parts of the world, often take for granted the rights and benefits, which we have. We forget that in other times, women were not considered to be equal to their male counterparts; they were considered to be helpless subordinates to the men with whom they lived. Though we do not often consider it, we owe much of these everyday freedoms to women of the past, who struggled and pushed for equal rights and recognition.Their determination helped us gain increased education, economic status, and political rights, among other things. In the colonial times, the Colonial women’s role in the family was the keeper of the home, and that was all she was really allowed. She made the family’s clothes, she provided a home cooked meal, and took care of the children, all of this by herself until the female children were old enough to be of use. She could do nothing for her sons, they were to be submissive on the farther, or be apprenticed out. She was, in fact, her husbands slave.Women were seen as weak human beings. They were not allowed to have other aspirations. She had no say in anything that went on; she could only follow her husband’s commandments. This male dominated society dictates that women be inoffensive and obedient and is financially dependent of the husband. Woman’s role was strictly limited to home and family. As for the question of free time, what free time? If they by chance had any, they usually baked, or got some mending done or make candles. Basically, more tasks. â€Å"Idle hands are the devil’s tools,† is what they were encouraged to believe.During the nineteenth century, women were viewed as homemakers, not able to perform in society with men. They were degraded by men to believe that they were worth almost nothing, only w orthy of bearing children. This superfluous male domination lead too many women feeling trapped in their own homes, unable to escape from the confinements placed on them by their husbands. However things did change, women started working outside of their home. Besides farm work, their jobs were mainly in traditional women’s fields such as teaching, nursing, and domestic service.Textile mills and clothing factories are traditional employers of women. They worked in these factories and war-related industries while World War II was being fought, and many of them enjoyed the opportunity to work outside the home. By the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century improvements aided in giving women more rights, and educational and occupational opportunities. The growth of commercial laundries and expanding production of clothing, processed foods, and other household items relieved women of many tasks and created hundreds of jobs for them outside the hom e.Manufacturing, retail and wholesale trade, banking, and services grew rapidly in the early 20th century. The success of many of these ventures depended on women. Middle-class women had it much easier than lower class women. More opportunities, more advancement, and more respect. When they did accept women the numbers were limited because women lacked the education to be prepared for any type of higher learning. Other women found jobs in rudimentary school teaching, managing clubs for poor youth, poor young women and schools for infants.Women during this time were beginning to see that not only did they belong in the home, but they could also find a role in the workplace. Today, women study subjects of personal interest, they seek degrees that match their talents and aspirations. Once they began to go to college, they began to challenge society’s expectations as well as their personal experiences. The major detonator of the women’s movement was education, changing the woman’s role in society from passive to an active and vital force. Once women began receiving higher education, there was no turning back.Occupations were limited but women began to filter into the male-dominated world. Before this time women were uneducated and not capable to vote. A four-year college education is likewise common as women go to earn their master’s degree and PhD. Yet, for women in the workforce, there are still many cases where barriers exist that may limit their chances of earning that promotion. They still have a hard time with power and they have a harder time keeping power. In the long run, women became activists pushing for the rights and eventually succeeded.They have much more freedom and equality now, thanks to the women who pushed for equal rights, and it was slowly realized that females have the same capabilities to think and have responsibilities as men. Women today are postponing the role of motherhood and are concentrating more on their careers. If there are any needs that needs to be fulfilled in a woman’s life, this is it; well paying job, being on the executive level and prove that we can also be female dominators. Women in today’s society are focused more on independence.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Financial Investment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Financial Investment - Research Paper Example Ratio analysis and share price analyses are 2 most important and commonly used tools to analyze the financial position of a particular stock. A proper fundamental and technical analysis generally provides a basic idea regarding these aspects and helps investors make informed investment decisions. Generally the intrinsic value of the stock is determined from the financial facts given the annual report of the company using free-cash flows and it is compared to the current market price of the stock. When the stock is found to be undervalued then it provides an opportunity for the investor to buy the stocks at lower current price and then sell it in future when stock prices approaches target price. This strategy will help the investor make profits by buying stocks at lower price and then selling it when stock prices appreciates and ceteris paribus. Options for Investment Decision While there are many options available to an investor for investment, it is important to note that not all in vestment destinations are equally safe for investment when risk of investment is considered. The safest investment destination is government securities because there are very limited chances that the government will default. Another most commonly preferred investment avenue is common stocks of publicly traded companies. Companies whose stocks are listed in stock exchanges (like NASDAQ, NYSE, etc.) may be traded in secondary markets. But whenever the investor considers investment in equity oriented securities and stocks the risk of investment significantly increases. This is because when the investor buys equity shares of any company the investor actually subscribes to paid-up equity capital of the owners of the company. This automatically makes the investor the new stocks holder and assumes that the investor will bear the risk associated with business. Purchasing equity shares provides the investor the opportunity to earn dividends and residual profits proportionate to respective su bscription or investment. Equity stocks are risky because the shareholders are entitled to earn from investment only after all liabilities of the business entity has been paid-off. This means that in case the business has no profits left for distribution to shareholders after honoring business liability then no dividends will be paid to shareholders. Thus, investment in company stocks is both risky and rewarding in the sense that higher the risk the higher would be the expected return. It is advised that before making any investment decisions for investment in particular stocks the financial managers must gather all necessary information related to business regarding financial position, outstanding financial liabilities and the ability of the business to honor such liabilities. Company Overview The company chosen for financial analysis is Apple Inc. (Ticker Symbol AAPL) which is a Fortune 500 company whose shares are publicly traded. Apple Inc. is a leading hardware and software com pany which has headquarters in Cupertino, California, U.S. The company has over 400 global retail stores spread in over 14 countries and it is listed in NASDAQ as a publicly traded company. Apple also forms a component of S&P 500 composite index and NASDAQ-100 component. The financials of the company is very strong and for the year ending 2012, the company reported a net profit of over UD$ 41

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Coca Cola and Coffee House Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Coca Cola and Coffee House - Essay Example It should be noted that the Coca-Cola Company is highly regarded for its very effective and heart-warming television commercials. Maintaining this image, Coca-Cola Coffeehouse will initially invest in advertising its products through major television stations during hours of the day where the target market is likely to be in tuned with this media. Before the official opening of the Coca-Cola Coffeehouse and the release of its various products, television commercials will be strategically employed in order to inform customers of the new sensation to hit the town. Since, the business organization will initially focus on the Northern American market, the advertisements will feature the values and culture of the clientele. However, advertisments will vary according to the region where it is aired. Recognizing the huge potential of the internet as a medium in marketing goods and services, Coca-Cola Coffeehouse will also launch its own website. In this portal, the company will inform customers the variety and calorie content of its products. The website will also be used to inform customers where products are available. An online chat with Coca-Cola Coffeehouse's customer service representatives will also be available to address queries and other concerns. In order to intensify its efforts in promoting the products, Coca-Cola Coffeehouse will be aggressively promoting its products in magazines, newspapers, and other p

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Down's syndrome is strongly associated with coeliac disease Dissertation

Down's syndrome is strongly associated with coeliac disease - Dissertation Example The remaining fifty five respondents were each matched with control patients based on sex, age and residence. In addition, in the research, both positive IgG and IgA, anti-gliadin levels were got by endoscopial duodenal biopsy of the given patients and initial titres taken. Initially, only twenty one patients plus two from the control group showed raised levels of IgG and IgA antibodies. When tissue samples were obtained from 18 of the patients, it was found out that only two shoed characteristic lymphocytic infiltration that did not qualify for the diagnosis of coeliac disease. In addition, they also found two giardiasis, while eight of the rest were normal. Furthermore, in one of the obtained tissue, analysis was not done since it had not be obtained well. In the analysis, few differences were found to occur between the various subgroups in their hematological, anthropomorphic and biochemical findings. It was found out that the prevalence of coeliac disease in Down’s syndrom e patients was higher than in the controlled group. In the controlled group, coeliac disease occurrence was very little as compared to the population that had down’s syndrome. In another research conducted by Lenshin et. al. in 2004, while studying coeliac disease, discovered that Down’s syndrome patients were more likely to suffer from the condition and attributed it to their autoimmune state. Lorete , on the other hand, was studying the relationship of celiac disease in adolescents and children and found a link too to those having Down’s syndrome.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Racial Tensions in Elderly-Care Home Setting Essay

Racial Tensions in Elderly-Care Home Setting - Essay Example The most evident query at this point is likely to question why racism is still rampant in the elderly care home setting whereas the rest of the United Kingdom seems to have seen the light. Why is it that racism has been forced out of the society and seemed to have entertained in these homes? There are correct responses to this query but only a handful are aware of them. In fact, most residents of the nation are not aware that racism is a common practice in these homes. Although many people are not open to the idea of taking their relatives to these homes, circumstances have forced many to do so as they are not in a position to offer the much needed care (Macrae 2012).As an effort to realise the reason behind the practice of racism in the elderly homes, it is initially appropriate to comprehend the factors that sets these home apart from society. Doing so allows one to be in a position to establish the precise factors that may to blame. These homes are meant to provide care to the eld erly in the society, a population that had to live in another generation that is very separate from the one that is in force today. The elderly is society are not very vibrant and the fact that they are few as compared to other age gaps means that their influence in society is minimal (Macrae 2012).However, bringing them together nurtures a very distinctive atmosphere that is far from the one that is in the rest of the UK society. Even though many elderly individuals may feel uncomfortable in these homes.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

How does diversity of employment affect the welfare(income per person) Dissertation - 1

How does diversity of employment affect the welfare(income per person) in cities of America - Dissertation Example It has also been stated that this diversification also tends to reduce unemployment in both times of economic difficulty and normally. Thus diversification may or may not be strongly associated with both economic growth and stability which is the goal of every nation in the world. Diversity of employment also depends upon the level of education and population levels of the area. Though it has often been proven that with diversification comes sustainability but the effects on per capita income are largely unknown which are investigated in this paper. It has also been stated that diversification does not get along well with specialization which is also often associated with high per capita income. Thus a trade off often exists at some points where economic diversity may hinder both stability and growth. (Tran, 2011) This study includes a literature review from various scholars and their studies to analyze whether diversification affects per capita income or not? This theoretical review is followed by an empirical study which uses data from the US government from 30 cities across the United States. Together both these studies try to reach a conclusion whether economic diversity and per capita income are related. References Malizia, E. a. (2003). The Influence of Economic Diversity on Unemployment and Stability.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Mrs Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mrs - Research Proposal Example The media brought out the Egyptian revolution to the world and made the world unite in protest. The heroic portrayals of the Egyptian people through the media could be one of the reasons that made people stand up and fight. But there were losses, in terms of life and property. Who accounts for that? In togetherness is makes a very interesting topic to research on the impact of media in bringing about revolution. Purpose of the Research: The main purpose of this research paper should be to thoroughly investigate and find a co relation between the presence of media in everyday life and the surge in people’s revolutions against tyranny and dictatorship across the world. Objective of the Research: The main objectives of the paper can be summarized as follows: The paper should also help realize to what extent the media has been playing a role as a catalyst in instigating people’s thought and need for a revolutionary movement. ... Academics argue that most individual’s life style and thoughts are influenced by what is being portrayed by the media. Thus it become very important to analyze if revolutionary decisions are being taken rationally or is the media responsible for instigating such interest and motives by its portrayal of events. Is it not possible that the media can be selective in what it portrays as eventually it also has to look after its economic viability? (Biagi, 2002) Literature Review: April, 2007 witnessed the worst school shooting in American history when one gunman took 32 other lives beside himself inside Virginia Tech University. Psychologist and member of the society put the cause on over exposure to violent entertainment in the media. Activists and leaders called on the media to control their portrayal of violence in an attempt to protect the minds of young people. At the same time, it is also to be noted that the media portrayals may not affect the behavior of all individuals in the same way (Sparks, 2010). However the presence of media can be seen everywhere around human beings to the extent that it affects us economically socially and culturally. Sometimes the mass media even influences one’s way of talking, eating habits, working, studying and relaxing (Biagi, 2006). The media is then also seen as a source of power and empowerment for the civil society. It brings knowledge that lets people think and decide, provides empowerment to the society by revolutionizing thoughts. The empowerment of women in many societies across the globe is often credited to the efforts of mass media to bring along changes (Klaehn, 2010). It is also supported by Sparks (2010) saying that progress through personal experiences and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Prayer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Prayer - Research Paper Example One of the greatest differences is on repentance and recognition of sin. Taoism does not acknowledge the need for redemption or salvation in prayer. In Christianity, redemption or salvation plays a very crucial role in washing away of one’s evil deeds, therefore making one clean and holy before Christ. According to Taoism ‘God’ is just a force that people need to harmonize themselves with, instead of salvation or redemption and worshiping God that Christians believe in. Taoism also believes that there are no personal relations between them and ‘Tao’, their God, while Christians believes that when it comes to prayer there actually exists personal relationship between them and Christ. Christians can pray to their heavenly father, the creator of earth and universe, and Christ-the son of God directly with the belief and faith that their prayers would be heard and answered. On the contrary, Taoists does not pray directly to their ‘God’ nor do they develop any attachment with ‘God’. Taoists rather believe in meditation which is a process of sitting upright quietly in the position of a baby reciting sacred words aimed at restoration of harmony within oneself and spiritual nourishment (Rorty, Richard, and Gianni 68). Taoism also beliefs that values and morality are influenced by nature’s rewards and punishment while Christianity believes in God who determines what is right, wrong and moral values that are punishable and rewarded by God only. According to Christianity God is the most supreme judge to all evils, wrongs and righteousness therefore no Christian should judge the other. Taoism on the other hand, proclaims that there is no moral distinction between right and wrong and which judges no one (Hu, Hsiao, and William 42). Proclamation of Christianity profess that Christ died for died for their sins and justification according to Roman 4:25, and eternal life is given to those who trust in him as savior according to John 1:12. In addition, John

Marketing research proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Marketing research proposal - Essay Example It appears that this group is consuming other soft drinks in large quantities and is attracted to buying drinks for reasons other than quenching thirst. This report will outline how Pepsi-cola should conduct their research using qualitative and quantitative techniques in order to understand the current market trends. This will enable the brand to capture a larger share of the market. In Australia Pepsi competes with its main rival Coca Cola for a share of approximately $3.8Billion. It is estimated that market will continue to compound annually until 2016 by 2.5 percent. More recently market dynamics has changed with the introduction of a number of new healthier and trendy beverages. People are shifting to water and fruit drinks since these are perceived as healthier drinks. Energy drinks on the other hand are gaining popularity due to increase in their advertisement as alternative drinks. These lifestyle and behavioral changes where people are gradually shifting to taking drinks that they perceive to be healthier and trendy have adversely affected the overall sales of the Pepsi cola soft drink product line as illustrated in figure 1. As illustrated in figure 2, the largest consumer group for Pepsi is the 35-50 year old segment, however over the last ten years this group has declined, while the 50-60 year old group is showing increases. On the other hand the 18-35 year old segment has steadily declined. In other words Pepsi’s customer base is declining because of poor adoption rates in the youngest group and changes in the older group’s consumption behaviour. The question that Pepsi’s management faces is on how to reverse the decline in sales. Is it to change the advertising/communication strategy or to develop a new product that will capture the market change, that is, to produce a drink that people will perceive as healthy and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Amusement park Essay Example for Free

Amusement park Essay I am relatively small in stature at about 4’11† with dark brown, naturally curly hair and hazel eyes that seem to change color with different lighting.. I currently wear thin, black glasses due to my nearsightedness. I apply cover up everyday to hide my freckles and blemishes on my skin while also wearing black mascara and black eyeliner to bring out my eyes. I dress in a more conservative style with not many outfits accessorized and simple patterns. I tend to wear a majority of name brand clothing because of the quality of the material and the styles. I don’t have a very broad arrangement of shoes and I typically wear one or two different pairs of shoes a week. I also like to wear simple earrings everyday and the necklace I got for Valentine’s Day from my boyfriend. I also typically paint my nails a bright pink on my toes and blue or silver on my fingernails. I enjoy to do many activities. For example: I play softball, flag football, ultimate Frisbee, read, volunteer at the library, hang out with friends, spend time with family, and many other things. Other things I like are friendly people, honest people, school events, summer, carnivals, amusement parks, water parks, holiday parties, and birthdays. Things I don’t like to do are clean, do homework everyday, drive small cars, being too busy, and feeling overworked. Things I don’t like are liars, rude people, winter, the color orange, not having access to the internet, being cold, and more. For example, I find myself cold often so I buy blankets, long socks, and anything I can use to stay warm all the time. I’m good at schoolwork and having plenty of fun. I do well on state testing and I learn a lot when it comes to school and other subjects I can use in my life. I’m always busy having fun with friends and family. I like to make sure everyone has a good time together and that we are never bored. When I’m with my friends, we always use our imaginations to find some way to spend the time. I’m not as good at getting everything done on time and prepared for when I need it; Also, I do not have the motivation to do things I do not want to do but have to do. My description does sound like someone I would like to know because I believe I am, generally, a good person. I try and be someone people wouldn’t mind being around so I’m not a problem to anyone and so I’m someone people can get along with. I care about my personal image and I hope people agree with me. I would change myself by making myself more friendly and outgoing. I believe I’m not as outgoing as I could be and I could make more friends by changing that. I also wouldn’t let my emotions drive what I do; I would use my brain to make a decision before I use my feelings about the subject. I would start putting my happiness into consideration when I try and help others out; however, I wouldn’t become selfish. Personal happiness is just as important as anyone else’s. I would like to be a person who does not worry about problems but puts forth action to eliminate them. I would be more proactive about my problems and make sure I follow through with my decision on how to solve it without letting emotions change my mind. And also, I would stop worrying and accept the things I cannot control. I can bring my wish closer to the now version by having more self motivation and self discipline. I envision my future where I am a happy, educated, person with a successful career and a happy family who has everything they need. I want to supply them with everything they need to become successful individuals and create the best future for themselves.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

History Of Danish Furniture Design Cultural Studies Essay

History Of Danish Furniture Design Cultural Studies Essay Scandinavia is generally well-known for its design represented by pure and simple lines which is focusing on users needs. Nowadays people generally meet with design from north mainly in IKEA store however this is only one direction which was developed from Scandinavian Modernism with its origin in 1920 as Fiells (2002, pp. 8,16,18) explain. Denmark as one of the Scandinavian country also excels in design and especially in furniture objects. For example name as Arne Jacobsen speaks for success of Danish furniture design from 1950s and 1960s as this period has been so far the most celebrated (Danish Design Centre, 2009) not only among Danes. However does this affirmation automatically leads to a conviction that the same can be asserted about Danish graphic design? It should not be a matter of fact to consider that product design and graphic design are developing the same and therefore they need to be on the same level. These two disciplines are not identical to which heads an attitude that Danish graphic design is in the shadow of Danish furniture design. To advance towards to the design situation in Denmark this work will concentrate on development of these two art disciplines from their beginnings through the contemporary works up to the young artists and companies who supposedly can form the future of the furniture and graphic design in Denmark. 2. HISTORY OF DANISH FURNITURE DESIGN To better understand why Danish product design and specially furniture design became internationally rather well known than the graphic design, in the first following paragraphs will be described certain parts of the history which had an impact on the development of design in Denmark. Furthermore these two areas of design will be firstly analysed separately based on historical consecution which caused future international success or failure of these disciplines. One of the most iconic design from Denmark according to Fiells (2002, p. 30) which brought fame to Danish furniture design is a chair number 3107 created by Arne Jacobsen. However before all of the achievements of this talented man can be enumerated, much more have to be described from the history of Denmark. Fiells (2002, pp. 20,22) indicate that Danish tradition of craftsmanship go down back up to the Viking Age when Danes learned how to process existing materials for producing objects for everyday use. With such deep history of craftsmanship, they were able to learn how to create quality made products. Nevertheless the production of industrial design absolutely began at the end of eighteenth century by foundation of Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Manufactury. During many years Danes were influenced by various elements but the main principles always stayed the same. Function, beauty and good choice of material can be found in almost all designs which were created in Denmark even tens y ears ago. The Authors who are engaged in the theme of Scandinavian design (Fiells, 2002, p. 23; Bhaskaran 2005, p. 168) clarify that all these elements formed in late 1930s art movement Danish Modernism which is a part of Scandinavian Modernism and last up to the present days. 2.1 Kaare Klint Since there are many significant designers in the history of Denmark it is impossible to mentioned all of them. Therefore only the most important names which moved Danish design forward will be presented. As Fiells (2002, p. 352) assert, Kaare Klint was the first furniture designer who accentuated the importance of proportions of human body with a design of chairs. With his students at Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen at the furniture department he examined previous styles in order to develop better objects which would satisfied user even more. This different approach towards a process of designing helped him for example to create in 1933 the Deck chair (figure 01). This specific rest chair let to relax head due to added pillow or legs by movable lengthening part. By his unique attitude Klint influenced many of his students and moved Danish furniture design to another level. Furthermore as Fiells (2002, p. 23) emphasise since the days of Kaare Klint the origins of Dani sh and Scandinavian Modernism can be dating. 2.2 Poul Henningson designer of PH lamps In relation to the iconic Danish design objects, the PH lamps (figure 02) need to be involved. PH stands for the name of Poul Henningson who produced during his life more then 100 projects of lights as Fiells (2002, p. 243) indicate. Henningson as Klint also came with new approach, however not to the design of furniture but to the lightning. As Fiells (2002, p. 26) point Poul Henningson demanded a new view to the design. With an invention of light bulb the designer himself argued (Louis Poulsen Lighting, 2008) that not many lamps creator knew how to design pleasant artificial light. Henningson studied stages of the daylight and tried to applied found knowledges to his design of lightening. As Fiells (2002, p. 242) emphasize, Henningson was able to create set of lamps with shadings and coloured edges which did not illuminate the room by direct light. He was one of the first who required to design products for everyday use which can be bought not only by high classes of society in Denm ark but by everyone. Therefore while Klint was producing his furniture in few pieces from each design, Henningson started to manufacture his products massively. As Lauritsen (2004, p. 128) indicates the dark winter in Denmark forced people to use artificial lightning. Because of long dark evenings and affordable prices, it is supposed that PH lamps became very popular among Danes. In addition due to the well-developed concept and modern design, Henningsons lightings became a cult design object which is well-known in Denmark as well as abroad. 2.3 Arne Jacobson the most iconic Danish designer However the designer who brought most fame to the Danish design in general and whose works continue to be produced and sold successfully all over the world was still not mentioned. His name is Arne Jacobsen and as Fiells (2002, p. 296) assert, he is known for being the most famous designer and architecture creating in the middle of the twentieth century in Denmark. In area of architecture according to Byars (1994, p. 277) Jacobsen was inspired by European architects such as Le Corbusier or Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Due to this influence, in late 1920s he was the first who introduced Functionalism to Denmark by his project House of the future. Nevertheless this was only the beginning of his all achievements. Between the years 1958-1960 Jacobsen was in charge of a construction of SAS Royal Hotel in Copenhagen. But Jacobsen was not responsible for the building only as a architect but also as a designer of interior including furnishing from chairs to door handles. Comparing design of the building with the furniture and other objects which were created mainly for the guest rooms and lobby, Jacobsen succeeded more as a designer then an architect. The building of the hotel (obrazek) is identified by straight lines and cannot be overlooked mainly because of its heigh. Even Jacobsen himself admitted (Republic of Fritz Hansen, 2009) that many people who saw the building did not like its architecture. The furniture with its most famous Swan and Egg (figure 03) chair originally compete to the exterior by rounded lines. Regarding the design of mentioned Egg chair, few literature exploring design of products (Phaidon Design Classics 334-666, 2006, pp. 493,513; Byars, 1994, p. 277) claim that the firs t concept of this chair was resembling to the creation of Norwegian designer Henry Klein. Warning which was sent to Jacobsen need to be taken positively because he was forced to improve the Egg chair with futuristic rounded shapes of shell which made the design timeless. In addition Jacobsen designed also the Swan chair which creates the remaining part of the couple. As Fiells (2002, p. 302) emphasize, these two design objects were not significant only in the  hotel lobby and rooms but later on for furniture design generally. However the Swan not even the Egg chairs are still not the most famous. Before Arne Jacobsen started to work on project for SAS he designed the Ant (figure 04) and the Series 7 (figure 05) chairs. The Ant chair which was designed firstly in the year 1952 created big design attention when was introduced to public, as Heaths and Jensen (2000, p. 160) clarify. Moreover in 1955 Jacobsen presented developed version of the Ant chair the Series 7 chair, known also as a chair no. 3107 which Fiells (2002, p. 30) describe as one of the best-selling chairs of all-time, but also one of  the most iconic products of Danish design. With the first fabrication of the Ant chair is engaged a  story when Arne Jacobsen came to the front manufacturer Frintz Hansen with a  plea for a  production of his design. Unfortunately Hansen refused his request because of the high expenses for output. However he would offer him a cooperation but only if Jacobsen found a purchaser for his order. As Bo Rasmus sen (konggullerod, 2006), a factory manager of Fritz Hansen tells, Jacobsen found a costumer with demand after 300 chairs and the production could start. This anecdote clearly shows that behind the success of Jacobsens chairs is not only modern design but also a luck. Another statement pointed by Heaths and Jensen (2000, p. 113) which can clarify the success of the Ant and the Series 7 chair is its lightness and storage ability. This made the product easy to export and helped to spread this furniture out of Denmark and become known internationally. 2.4 Verner Panton designer of one-piece chair The last dominant designer who will be introduced in the next paragraphs, took completely different approach to the design of furniture than all mentioned artists above. Verner Panton, as Dickson (2006, p. 265) indicate, tried to use different materials than wood or leather, for example plastic. He was also avoiding natural colours and rather preferred colours such as red, yellow, purple or blue. As Byars (1994, p. 424) describe, before Panton started to work on many of his psychedelic furniture he was a part of Arne Jacobsens studio where he got a chance to be present in development of many well-known objects such as mentioned Ant chair. As Dickson (2006, p. 267) asserts, although Panton studied in Denmark and was surrounded by its design his gamesome fantasy and admiration for future were reflected in his work so dramatically that no company in Denmark was able to manufacture his projects. Therefore he decided to leave to Switzerland and to cooperate with Vitra company which had necessary technology to produce his most famous Panton Chair (figure 06). This iconic design object was long time in process before it could come to the production in 1967. While this chair was interesting for not having back abutment and for its utilization of a plastic with which there was not much experience, this design was created only from one piece, as Dickson (2006, p. 267) emphasized. These reasons and facts made Panton design world famous and contributed to the larger admiration of Danish product design. 3. HISTORY OF DANISH GRAPHIC DESIGN TILL 1960 In relation to all mentioned famous design products from Denmark, the Danish graphic design history also need to be mentioned to compare achievements of these two areas. 3.1 Thorvald Bindesbà ¸ll first Danish graphic designer According to Ejlers (1997, pp. 58-59) the first artist who can be signed as a graphic designer was an  architect and product designer Thorvald Bindesbà ¸ll. Number of his works in area of graphic design is not extensive however for the Danish graphic design history there is one work which need to be mentioned. Architect Bindesbà ¸ll designed a logo and a label for Danish famous beer Carlsberg (figure 07) in 1904. Folkmann (2007) emphasizes that until then most of the graphic works produced in Denmark adapted typefaces mainly from Germany, except for Bindesbà ¸ll. Although he did not produced much works in area of graphic art he is reputable for the new approach to a design of typefaces. Instead of only accepting offered design from abroad, Bindesbà ¸ll created new type only for Carlsberg which the company with small changes has been using up to this day. This logo and its designer showed new direction to the Danish graphic design. Nevertheless in the course of several years the solution for Carlsbergs logo can be understood similar to typeface of Coca Cola. Although the typeface of Carlsberg does not appear handwritten as Coca Cola, there still can be found certain resemblance which does not make the logo outstanding for its design in the period when most of the letter design where inspired by a handwriting. Generally people are buying beer for its taste not for the logo itself and this is also a case of Carlsberg. Ejlers (1997, p. 61) himself assumes that graphic works of Bindesbà ¸ll usually did not follow any typographic rules because he treated letters as pictures. On the other hand he was the only artist among the famous graphic designers of the first half of twentieth century who achieved to created logo which has been in use both nationally and internationally for more than 100 years. 3.2 Architects in graphic design As was mentioned above, the logo was made by artist whose original profession was an architect. In the article by Ejlers (1997, p. 58), the author discusses a subject about graphic works done mainly in the first half of the twentieth century such as street signs, telephone directories, book covers or posters which where mostly created by architects. This reality could be caused by a fact that in Denmark during the first 50 years of twentieth century were no graphic design schools. As was already written, most of the typefaces where applied from German design therefore there was no need to employ graphic artists. When Carlsberg wished to have an original logo the company asked Thorvald Bindesbà ¸ll however not as an architect but as a graphic designer. Another well known architect and designer Knud V. Engelhart who was creating after Bindesbà ¸ll were influenced by his few works that he produced in the area of graphic design. Ejlers (1997, p. 62) explains that Engelhardts first work s were affected by Bindesbà ¸lls ornamental lettering. While later on he was able to develop his own style which can be seen for example on the typeface design of street signs done for north part of Copenhagen. His successor Gunnar Billmann Petersen, who cooperated with Ib Andersen who as well studied at School of Architecture, was also influenced at the beginning by works of his teacher. All these mentioned artists were sharing their experience and were influencing their successors however they created imaginary closed line of graphic designers which could not be often entered by others. This was true till year 1951 as Dickson (2006, p. 485) describes when Billmann Petersen became a professor of the first Department for Industrial design in history of Denmark at Copenhagens Royal Academy of Fine Arts. Students studying under this department were taught to design posters or typefaces as well as products such as lights or cars. More specialization was achieved in 1959 when the department was divided into the Industrial design programme and the first Graphic design programme leaded by already mentioned Billmann Petersen. Opening of this department gave new possibilities to students and to Danish graphic design in general. 3.3 Comparison with Europe However from comparing a foundation of the first Danish Department of Graphic design with for example German Bauhaus explicitly results how late this department was opened. Arntson (2007, p.  32) indicates that the Bauhaus was founded already in 1919 which shows a difference of 40 years. While the Bauhaus was already influencing not only graphic design but also other areas of art in Europe, Denmark was locked in a line of graphic architects creating one by one. On the other hand to point that in Denmark at the beginning of twentieth century was also another name than Bindesbà ¸ll or Petersen, an artist Valdemar Andersen must be mentioned. As Dickson (2006, p. 497) described, this painter worked also as an illustrator, interior designer or creator of packagings. His art was influenced and inspired mostly by French Art Nouveau which is visible from one of his commercial poster done for the newspapers The Politiken (figure 08) in 1908. His works were ornamental and simply ingenious. The use of colours and decoration elements in Andersens posters makes from him truly artist with feelings for composition. Nevertheless beside the graphic art growing in Europe in the first half of the twentieth century, Danish graphic design was not so courageous. From the works of Danish typeface designers can be remarked that they did not experiment much with the typography such as artist of the Bauhaus or Dadaism. Therefore they were not so remarkable and memorable as for example Guillaume Apollinaire or generally Swiss design. Moreover, if the Danish graphic design history will be compared to the history of Danish furniture design some differences showing backwardness of this art discipline could implicate. When graphic design started to be taught at Royal Academy in Copenhagen in 1959 the furniture design department was already training its students for 35 years. In addition while first students began to form the future of graphic design, Denmark could already be proud of design objects such as PH lamps or Jacobsens Ant chair. Till the year 1959 Denmark was still missing graphic design pieces which could be proudly sent to the international environment. 4. DANISH GRAPHIC DESIGN AFTER 1959 So far the paragraphs above were examining the events from the first half of the twentieth century. To be more precise till the year 1960, except for the Pantone chair which was produced in 1967. During the mentioned period the Danish art of graphic design did not succeed internationally as the  furniture products. Most of the iconic furniture design where created around 1950 while graphic design works were still at the beginning of its development. However when the first graphic department was established Danish graphic design expected improvement within this art area by arrival of new talented graphic designers. 4.1 Claus Achton Friss designer of Kingdom of Denmark To see how the graphic design situation has developed or not after the foundation of the first graphic department, the works of current designers will be introduced. The first artist who will be presented is Claus Achton Friss. Even he established his own studio already in 1950, most of his famous works came into being within next 30 years as Ejlers (1997, p. 71) reported. His design is well-known among Danes because most of them were done for the Kingdom of Denmark, for example Queen Margrethes monogram (figure 09) from the year 1976, embassy sign or national arms. As Ejlers also emphasized (1997, pp. 71-72) Friss was exceptional by his solutions of situations when he missed suitable fonts. He designed his own to fit with the client identity therefore Friss left behind a big amount of fonts. To examine the Queens monogram, as it is one of his most significant work, this design will be compared to monogram of the Swedish and British royal family members (figure 10,11). So far as both of the shown Danish and British monograms are for the queens, Frisss design appeals more feminine then another. The elegance in the design of thin lines suits to women generally more than bold letters. However the British solution shows power and hide femininity which can indicate to a  vulnerability that is a character incongruous with governance. Overall Friss was able to design suitable projects for Danish kingdom to represent itself with dignity which classified him among reputable Danish designers. 4.2 Ole Sà ¸ndergaard designer of pictograms and traffic signs If a good artist was determined by number of prizes, Ole Sà ¸ndergaard would be certainly one of them. Since the 1980 when the IG prizes for Danish graphic designers began to be awarded, from the information given by Schenstrà ¸m (2010) Ole Sà ¸ndergaard has already received six prizes given by Danish Design Centre. Additionally as Sà ¸ndergaard (Ole Sà ¸ndergaard, no date) indicates he was awarded by another 7 prices but only one of them from 1992 the European Community Design Prize was international. Considering the time period when he was working on most of his projects the number of awards should be interpreted as a success for Sà ¸ndergaards works. According to Dickson (2006, pp. 489,496), Sà ¸ndergaard is known in his home country as a designer of pictograms and road signs which he was creating during the last 10 years of twentieth century. Pictograms and all signs generally need to be simple and understandable therefore most of the Sà ¸ndergaards works are mainly simplified forms of symbols which were in the use before 1990. However comparing Ole Sà ¸ndergaards logo design to another graphic designer who was living and creating in the same time but in the different country shows lack of creativity in his works. Jan Solpera is a Czech graphic artist who also studied at university during 1960s as DvoÃ…â„ ¢Ãƒ ¡k (2010) affirms. Solpera was designing logos as Sà ¸ndergaard but on the contrary he participated in projects where he literally played and experimented with typography which is visible from his posters (figure 12). Sà ¸ndergaard on the other hand created technically clean design however with standard quality ( figure 13) where the creativity which would move his design to another level is missing. 4.3 Per Mollerup designer of Copenhagens airport signs Dickson (2006, p.493) suggests that Per Mollerup is also an important part of Danish graphic design since him with his studio was awarded for the Copenhagens airport signage (figure 14). With projects such as information and navigation systems the emphasis is placed on the user and his easier understanding of symbols rather than on a graphic aspect which is also important however it goes to the second place. While Per Mollerup was designing the airport sign he decided to stay with the proven combination of dark background and light lettering as many other airports (figure 15), in his case black and yellow. Therefore he was able to create simple navigation for travellers passing through Copenhagen airport which has been in use already for 20 years, as Dickson (2006, p.493) indicates. 4.4 Bo Linnemann and Kontrapunkt Another contemporary designer which can compete with Ole Sà ¸ndergaard by numbers of received awards is Bo Linnemann. Except approximately 12 prizes from Danish Design Centre, Linnemann received also several international as different sources (Danish Faces, 2007; Schenstrà ¸m, 2010) show. In comparison with Sà ¸ndergaard, Bo Linnemann together with two other partners founded about 25 years ago the Kontrapunkt firm. It is a design and brand company which operates not only in Denmark but also in Japan, as the agency (Kontrapunkt, 2010) reports. Graphic works of Kontrapunkt are distinguished mainly by light colours and simplicity of design solutions which make them appeal purely, modern and minimalistic. The best examples which would represent style of the studio are projects of visual identities for Danish chemists (figure 16) or Japanese Tasaki which produced pearl jewellery (figure 17). It is probably because of Danish liking for simplicity that Kontrapunkt is in charge of design for public places such as Billund airport, Movia transfer, Danish Railways or Copenhagens tourist centre where the Danish graphic design is mediated to tourist and foreigners. 4.5 Graphic and furniture design at the end of twentieth century These mentioned designers has been working in graphic area after the first graphic design department at Royal Academy was established. Even they have created larger amount of works than graphic designers from the line of architects, compared to success of furniture designers this art continuously missing the iconic design as appeared in Danish product design in form of Ant chair or PH lamps. Graphic design works are considerably less imaginative, challenging and playful than the furniture design objects. Although all the design is technically well-done the idea for the design solution is in general standard. Awarded graphic designers such as Kontrapunkt, Ole Sà ¸ndergaard or Per Mollerup, as Schenstrà ¸m (2010) reported, were given repetitively the prizes for commercial projects which were limited in area of creativity. These designers were not awarded for creative works which would allowed them express themselves entirely. But for more serious works such as airport or traffic sign s that need to follow given rules. In general from all presented graphic works and designers can be seen that Danes understand graphic design more as a means for a commercial communication rather then an art tool. 5. FUTURE OF DANISH DESIGN Even nowadays, time is passing faster then ever, the Art cannot become iconic over a night. Designers who were designing their works within past 10 years still cannot be fairly appreciated because society needs to evaluate these arts with some time distance. This statement is supported by the fact that Danish Design prizes for graphic design were not awarded right after the establishment of the first graphic department. It toke 20 years when the first graphic design project was given the IG prize as is known (Danish Design Centre, 2008, p.35) because Denmark had a need of time for graphic designers to gain experience. Artist who were presented in the paragraphs before are according to different mentioned sources so far the best of Danish graphic design. However they cannot be equaled to names such as Arne Jacobsen or Verner Panton as their works are not so iconic as works of Danish furniture designers. 5.1 Young Danish graphic designers and studios With arrival of new technologies, forms of graphic design are changing all around the world. From the end of nineteenth century till almost the end of twentieth one of the most powerful medium was a poster, in general prints. Despite of its previous popularity this medium has being supplied by more digital art such as websites or digital panel and it is presumptive that posters will slowly disappeared (BlaÃ…Â ¾ek et al., 2010). Therefore future generation of graphic designers are adapting themselves to the new call in graphic industry. There are many artists who were influenced by the digitalization and now mainly work with popular computer graphic such as Aastrud Sigrid and Bay Thomas (Worldwide graphic design, Scandinavia, 2009, p. 222) as can be seen from examples of their works for Ford (figure 18). Or Stefan Mylleager (Worldwide graphic design, Scandinavia, 2009, p. 223) who creates mainly motion graphic videos (figure 19) and CD covers. Not only these artists but many other s will probably develop this art direction which is due to the internet and other modern technologies, which spread information quickly and everywhere, a matter not only of Denmark but global. However there is another group of artists which creates in different direction. It could be probably caused by the big digital press that some young designers rather based their creations on handwork, usually in illustrations which are afterwards retouched in graphic programs than only on computers. Some of them can be seen in the publication presenting Scandinavian graphic designers (Worldwide graphic design, Scandinavia, 2009, pp.  222-223) such as Ehlers Sune who illustrates his Duudle creatures (figure 20), brothers Rune and Esben Fisker who create animation videos and illustrations (figure 21) or Thoberk Jakob who worked in Spild Af Tid design studio focusing on different kind of media done by animation or illustration. Another young artist Karina Petersen who is mentioned by Devroye (2010) experiments with typography by different forms of expression (figure 22). All these mentioned designers present new view to graphic design either by digital art or illustrations. Nevertheless most of them express themselves more openly and playfully than the generation before which is the approach that Danish graphic design was missing. Moreover nowadays modern era with its technologies helps present artists easier and faster beyond the borders of Denmark. On the other hand they are facing to large competition in which they have to success. 5.2 Future of Danish furniture design The biggest success for Danish design was in 1950s and 1960s but since this time period Danish furniture products have not achieved such popularity. It seams that designers are aware of this situation because as Danish Design Centre (Danish Design Centre, 2009) remarked, within past several years relatively young companies began to introduce new quality products to the market. Hay is one of the firm which realises that Denmark cannot live only from the fame of previous generation but need to continue and develop. As Danish Design Centre (Danish Design Centre, 2008) also indicates, by cooperation with young artists Hay was able to create successful company with creative furniture solutions only within seven years. Their products such as the Blow chair (figure 23) or the Princess chair respects the elements of Danish Modernism as simplicity, importance of good usage of materials, quality technics of production and focus on user. Furthermore they do not only copy existing products howev er they bring something new and original into the Danish design of furniture. 6. CONCLUSION From the beginning of the twentieth century when the line of architects was working on graphic design projects and not even after the first establishment of the graphic design department. Danes have not been able to create graphic art which would become so iconic as furniture products from 1950s and 1960s. Most of the works were technically well made but missed ideas which would create from them better art then only standard. Comparing Danish graphic design works with others from Europe a lack of creativity can be found in their design solutions. This can be caused by working mostly on commercial projects where the creativity is usually limited by instructions and wishes of client. However this cannot be asserted about the furniture design consisted of iconic Ant, Egg or Panton chairs and PH lamps which are admired and well-sold even after 60 years from the day they were created. The Danish modernism, as the furniture design in Denmark is collectively called, is known for the emphasis on function, the use of simple lines, the focus on good choice of materials and quality production. These principles were consider by Arne Jacobsen in 1950s as well as by designers working on chairs for Hay more than 50 years later. And this is the matter which creates Danish furniture design so powerful. 7. REFERENCES Arntson, A.E. (2007) Graphic Design Basics. 5th edn. United States of America: Clark Baxter. Bhaskaran, L. (2005) Designs of the Times. Translated by Jana Novotnà ¡. Reprint, Prague: Nakladatelstvà ­ Slovart s.r.o., 2007. BlaÃ…Â ¾ek, F., Bosà ¡k, P., Jans, R., Novà ¡k, R.V. and Solpera, J. (2010) Role and future of the poster. [Discussion]. 18 November. Byars, M. (ed.) (1994) The design encyclopedia. New York: John Wiley Sins, Inc. Danish Design Centre (2009) Danish Design Past and Present | DDC Dansk Design Centre. Available at: (Accessed: 20 October 2010). Danish Design Centre (2008) Hay: Growth via sustainable and innovative design | DDC Dansk Design Centre. Available at: (Accessed: 20 October 2010). Danish Design Centre (2008) The Danish Des

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Treatment of Paediatric Acute Pain

Treatment of Paediatric Acute Pain The attempt of this essay is to examine how the UK NHS paramedics treat acute pain in paediatric population. This essay will accentuate the importance of adequate training and research in paediatric care. Paramedics employed by UK NHS Ambulance trust have a diverse selection of analgesics at their disposal for acute mild to severe pain, ranging from paracetamol and ibuprofen to Entonox and intravenous morphine sulphate. (JRCALC) This essay will look at the management of acute moderate to severe pain with emphasis on the barriers that prevent paramedics from assessing and treating paediatric patients with pain adequately, as well as intravenous morphine versus intranasal fentanyl debate. Different ways of treating pain in emergency services and departments around the world will be discussed and appropriate literature from emergency care will be used to support the statements made throughout this essay. Hennes, Kim, Ronald and Pirrallo (2005) describe pain as a complex multidimensional phenomenon that is difficult to assess, particularly in young children. Combined with the fact that pain is the most common symptom in the emergency setting (Alonso and Wensley, 2003), it is fundamental that we understand and improve the care for all patients in pain. However, there is disparity between assessment and treatment of adults and paediatrics. This phenomenon has been described for over 25 years (Schechter, 1989). Watkins (2006) is in agreement with Schechter (1989) that adult patients are more than twice as likely to receive opiate analgesia for acute moderate to severe pain, when compared with children who describe similar pain scores. The UK NHS Ambulance trust has been under long term criticism, because of inadequate provision of analgesia for paediatric patients. This view has changed in 2003 when Medicines and Health care products Regulatory Agency approve the use of morphine in the aforementioned group of patients. Today, intravenous morphine sulphate and morphine sulphate oral solution can be safely administer by registered paramedics. Recently, many studies who targeted the emergency services around the world discovered that healthcare professionals are often unable to assess and treat paediatric patient in pain (JRCALC, 2013). Important step in addressing oligoanalgesia is by identifying the barriers to inadequate pain management. This statement is supported by numerous authors including Ricard-Hibon, Chollet, Saada, Loridant and Marty (1999), Bruns, Dieckmann, Shagoury, Dingerson and Swatzell (1992) and Jones and Machen (2003). Sequelae of inadequate treatment of acute pain may lead to alteration in immune function, delayed wound healing and a lower pain threshold in subsequent painful experiences. Firstly, a qualitative study by Murphy, Barett, Cronin, McCoy, Larkin, Brenner, Wakai and O’Sullivan (2013) explores what barriers prevent adequate treatment of paediatric population by emergency service. The study focuses on acute pain in children from the perspective of advanced paramedics in Ireland. Authors of the study believe that there are many factors, or barriers as they call it that render the potential pre-hospital treatment of children inadequate and ineffective. One of the biggest causes identified was the lack of training targeted specifically to paediatric care, current clinical practice guidelines for paediatric pain management, limited exposure to paediatric patients in pre-hospital setting and many others. A huge part of the concern that has arisen from interviews was the difficulty and even inability to assess pain intensity in young children, especially in preverbal age. Also, a disturbing reason listed for oligoanalgesia was short hospital transfer time, which further added to all possible situations, when practitioners would be reluctant to administer analgesia when dealing with children. Melzack and Wall (2003), Williamson and Williamson (1983) and Gilianu, Krane, Galloway And Yaster (2000) are all in agreement that exposure to severe pain in children can cause adverse psychological, biochemical, metabolic and behavioural changes. The study concluded that emergency services must emphasise improvement in paramedic education and training, specifically giving alternatives to assessing pain in preverbal children. Some advanced paramedics even suggest that treatment of acute pain in paediatrics should be approached differently to acute pain in adults. Through focused group interviews moderated by apaediatric emergency medicine specialist, the authors were able to collect the necessary data. Though the study was well designed, it had limitations. There were only twelve participants, however, as the authors point out, it has been argued by Howard and Moore (1989) and Kitzinger (1995) that aminimum of eight participants is accepted to be sufficient. Another factor that have been identified by advanced paramedics in the aforementioned study and a study by Hennes, Kim and Pirrallo (2005) from the perspective of paramedics in United States highlights the inability to effectively administer medications available to paramedics. A concern was raised in the area of cannulating a paediatric patient as well using medications that needed to be inhaled, such as Entonox. Both studies found that practitioners were in many cases unable to firstly, assess the pain score, and secondly treat the paediatric patient, due to the fact that children showed anxiety when trying to give intravenous morphine or oramorph. Murphy, Barett, Cronin, McCoy, Larkin, Brenner, Wakai and O’Sullivan (2013) strongly suggest that identification and mitigation of aforementioned barriers to the prehospital management and treatment of paediatric patients is crucial and should be one of the priorities in further development. Secondly, astudy by Watkins (2006) looked at whether the age of child influenced the likelihood of their receiving prehospital analgesia from their local ambulance services. The study investigated this question in Auckland. Jones, Johnson and McNinch (1996) again raised a concern about inadequate analgesia in paediatric population, which has been further highlighter by Watkins (2006). The study found that children less than 5 years of age are in significant risk of being undertreated of pain by ambulance service. When compared with children who were 5-15 years of age, Watkins (2006) also observed that there was a significant change as they received some form of analgesia in 50% of cases. The study also points out an interesting fact about the use of pre-hospital Entonox. Children given Entonox alone appeared to be in more pain than non-treated children, which is surprising as in adult population, it is reported to produce adequate analgesia for 50% of patients. (Ricard-Hibon, Chollet, Saada, Loridant and Marty, 1999). â€Å"I am sure the air in heaven must be this wonder-working gas of delight† (Fullmer, 2000) Watkins (2006) suggested several possible reasons for this perception of the effect of Entonox, such as incorrect use leading to inadequate effect, as children are in many scenarios crying preventing them from using the equipment properly. Also, it might be relevant to mention that children achieving sufficient level of analgesia using Entonox were 8 years of age or older. As indicated by Watkins (2006), further research is necessary to establish whether the use of Entonox is suitable for analgesia in children. The study also found that no child aged less than 5 years of age received analgesia in form of morphine, which disagrees with claims made by ambulance officers who participated in the study. Again, the author further confirms the theorem that even qualified practitioners have difficulties in assessing and administering analgesia to young children. As mentioned above, the pain caused by gaining intravascular access leads to underuse of opiate analgesia in younger children. As highlighted by Braude and Richards (2004), further investigation of non-invasive methods of pain relief in pre-hospital setting is absolutely crucial. This leads to a morphine sulphate and intranasal fentanyl debate, which has been the subject of several studies. In hospital setting, intravenous fentanyl was shown as an effective alternative to morphine sulphate, however during the last decade, a new option became available. Braude and Richards (2004) indicate that there are at least four reasons to use intranasal fentanyl in pre-hospital setting. This claim is supported by numerous publications including Watkins (2006), Maurice, O’Donnell and Beattie (2002), and Rickard, O’Meara, McGrail, Garner, McLean and Lievre (2007). Maurice, et. al (2007) identified that management of acute pain in paediatrics relies on successful intravenous cannulation that may be technically impossible to perform. Moreover, the author also acknowledged that this increases the risk of needle stick injuries to either the patient or patient’s family and to the staff. A possible replacement in the form of intranasal fentanyl has been long discussed by many authors. Braude and Richards (2004) have reported that intranasal fentanyl has a rapid peak, short duration of action and does not cause the release of histamine, which may cause hypotension. Also, there are very few instances of nausea being caused by administering intranasal fentanyl. Rickard, O’Meara, McGrail, Garner, McLean and Le Lievre (2007) conducted a randomised controlled trial to compare intravenous morphine and intranasal fentanyl for pre-hospital analgesia. Intranasal fentanyl has been used in the inpatient hospital setting, but prior to this randomised controlled trial, there has been no other trial comparing the aforementioned drugs in pre-hospital setting. The study found that there was no significant difference between the effect of intranasal fentanyl and intravenous morphine sulphate in pain reduction. The study identified that there were no previous randomised controlled trials available. The lack of supporting evidence for analgesics have been identified by Borland, Jacobs and Rogers (2002) who also recognised that there was paucity of data to support practice with no randomised trials. Moreover a trial by Borland, Jacobs and Rogers (2002) further confirmed that intranasal fentanyl was comparably effective at reducing pain paediatric in an emergency department. The study had several limitations, including the sample size, which was set out to be 400 patients. Due to time constraints, a total of 258 patients were randomised and out of them, only 227 were evaluable. Also, the side effects were observed by paramedics who were treating the patients, which may have produced biased results. The author notes that a more reliable way of recording such data would be by a trained physician or dedicated paramedic researcher who would not be busy with clinical care. The study notes that nausea and vomiting may still be a problem with the use of fentanyl, especially in the mucosal routes and particularly in children, as they may become uncooperative. It has also been noted that the ability to absorb any medication through nostrils changes throughout the day, because of mucous congestion. Following this conclusion, some Australian ambulance services increased the doses of intranasal fentanyl with reported beneficial outcomes. In conclusion, it is clear that the pain management in paediatric population continues to evolve not only in pre-hospital setting within the United Kingdom, but also around the world where doctors are using their experience with synthetic analgesia to drive the patient care further, broadening the scope of emergency practitioners, such as paramedics employed by UK NHS Ambulance trust. In 2003, morphine sulphate was introduced and marked as a solution to ever increasing problem with oligoanalgesia. More recently, complex studies evaluated the risk to benefit ratio of alternative analgesia more suited for specific part of our population, such as the use of intranasal fentanyl for paediatric patients. Moreover, the essay demonstrated that the improvement must start with clinicians, their understanding of protocols and ways to treat aforementioned group of patients. â€Å"Paediatric patients seldom need medication for the relief of pain. They tolerate discomfort well.† This citation clearly demonstrates how far the care for paediatrics in acute pain has come in recent decades and thanks to the research mentioned throughout the essay, it continues to improve within a hospital as well as pre-hospital setting.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Theme Elements in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart :: Things Fall Apart essays

Theme Elements in Things Fall Apart Achbe, in the novel Things Fall Apart, conveys a flavor of traditional African culture in the 1800`s. But despite this, it seems the tragedy of okonkwo that embodies the theme of the novel. Many of Achebe`s themes are not limited to the events in his novel, but relate to SITUATIONS, in which traditional values are questioned and people from different cultures meet, the most profound impact being related to the themes of religion and justice.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Like any good religion, the Igbo religion comes with many superstitions. Personal chi is one of the superstitions in the Igbo tribe. Chi can be a personal fragment of the Supreme Being, unique for each individual. It determines much of a person's success and character. "When a man says yes his chi says yes also" (19). But at the same time a man does not challenge his chi. "The evil you have done can ruin the whole clan. The earth goddess whom you have insulted may refuse to give us her increase, and we shall all perish" (22). Ezeani said this to okonkwo in response to his challenge against his chi, by beating his wife during the week of peace. Okonkwo BECAME THE EXAMPLE OF A person challenging his own chi. His desperate desire to succeed his chi, does not let him go any further than failure, destruction and death. Chi is simultaneously a destiny and an internal commitment, WHICH cannot be denied.   Ã‚  Ã‚     The Igbo religion has a tendency to symbolize numerous amounts of divine gods. They HAD a god for every different natural phenomenon that occurred. These things of worship were things such as trees, pieces of wood, hills, caves etc.    For every symbolic god there was a being in the clan that represented it. Ezeani the priestess, of the goddess of the earth, represented the goddess of earth (Ani). The clan seeks knowledge from the god through the oracle of the hills and caves. Other symbols in the Igbo religion are the sacred silk cotton tree and the evil forest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The festivals, in the novel contribute to the development of this theme as well.   The two festivals "Week of peace" and "The Feast of the New Yam" ARE SYMBOLS OF IMPORTANCE TO the clan and OF THE power WHICH gods have. The week of peace was one of the means of unification FOR the clan and appeasement for the gods in control over the crops.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Compare and contrast the poems Anthem for Doomed Youth by Wilfred Essay

Compare and contrast the poems Anthem for Doomed Youth by Wilfred Owen and The Soldier by Rupert Brooke. What are the poets' attitudes towards war and how do they convey these attitudes? Wilfred Owen's "Anthem for Doomed Youth" and Rupert Brooke's "The Soldier" express opposing views towards war and matters related to it. Owen condemns war as the cause of immense and painful loss of youths, killed like animals. He also attacks the church, generally held to preserve human life and dignity, implying it is powerless and irrelevant in a war situation. Brooke expresses ready acceptance (his view is meant to be the general view) of possible death on his country's behalf in grateful return to her for having "bore, shaped and made aware" him and enriching him spiritually. There is no reference to the horrors and pain of war. Apart from the poets' different attitudes towards war, there are many other differences such as tone, imagery and language. In 'The Soldier', Brooke's sense of indebtedness to his country completely blots out any sense of loss or regret over possible death on her behalf. Brooke doesn't even mention war in his poem. He is ready to give "back the thoughts by England given". He accepts death in war as a suitable repayment to his country for what England has done for him. England has given him birth, her "flowers", "ways to roam", "air", "rivers" and "suns" and made him like every other English person: special, privileged and worthy. In the line "In that rich earth, a richer dust concealed," his is the "richer dust", made by England. Here his physical being created and nurtured by England is gratefully returned to her. His appreciation and gratitude to England ring sincerity as reflected by h... ...f rounding up the sonnet as well as emphasising complete grief over the loss of Youth. The contrast with the first stanza's violence makes the reader see the different aspects of war - what happens on the battlefield, and what happens at home. Owen's poem, 'Anthem for Doomed Youth' is more appealing to me because it deals with two contrasting realities of war. His first stanza highlights the wastefulness of war (deaths of young soldiers) while the second stanza, the mourning for the dead. His sarcastic and later quiet tone reinforce the stark contrast between the different aspects of war. He uses powerful imagery and onomatopoeia to achieve the desired effects that make the poem more realistic. All this combined together produces effective thought provoking ideas and with each read, I gradually get an improved understanding and appreciation of the poem.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ambition in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Essay

What is ambition? Ambition is described as eager for success, power or fame. For Macbeth. Ambition was what drove him to become great, it forced him to change his nature towards evil. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth was portrayed as a courageous soldier who fought for his King without mercy. But once the witches planted the seeds of greater things and Lady Macbeth fuelled his ambition, which lead him to become greedy and power hungry. Macbeth was led down to an unescapable road of doom by an outside force, namely fate in the form of the three witches. There was no supernatural force working against Macbeth, which therefore makes him responsible for his own actions and inevitable downfall. Macbeth is indeed responsible for his own actions, which are provoked by an unwillingness to listen to his own conscience, the witches, and his ambition. The witches tempted Macbeth with their prophecies, which made Macbeth ¡Ã‚ ¦s heart and mind slowly filled with ambition and his huger for power. The witches predicted, at the beginning of the play, that Macbeth would soon become the Thane of Cawdor and eventually the outright King. They tell Macbeth this, simply to ignite what would finally end up in him taking the life of King Duncan. Ambition, no matter how small, builds up, and becomes a need. When this ambition is built up and encouraged, it can influence a person’s decision. Macbeth went to three witches, who prophesized that he would become King. This got Macbeth thinking of how he can become King. At this time, he was still unsure of whether he would take any action toward gaining the crown. When he comes back to his house, Lady Macbeth convinces him to murder King Duncan, through emotionally degrading him, shown in the quote: â€Å"Art thou afeard/ To be the same in thine own act and valour/ As thou art in desire?† (Act I, Scene IV). This quote shows how Lady Macbeth influenced Macbeth’s decision, because after hearing about the prophecy, she also had the ambition for her husband to become King. Macbeth slowly becomes accustomed to killing and does it more easily and without remorse. For example, after Macbeth becomes king, he begins to worry about the second part of the prophecy, when Banquo’s sons become kings. Knowing that he will not have any heirs, Macbeth dreads the idea of â€Å"the  seeds of Banquo kings. Rather than so, come fate into the list, and champion me to the utterance†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (3.1.70-73). Since he committed a sinful act to fulfill his desire become king, Macbeth does not want to lose everything he got to Banquo’s royal bloodline This shows how corrupt and villainous Macbeth has become; he will not let anything, not even friendship, get in the way of his desire to be the King of Scotland. And if the destruction of friendship is not a symbol of how strong Macbeth’s ambition truly is, then the manslaughter of an innocent man’s entire family is. When Macbeth sees the three apparitions, one of them tells him to beware Macduff . Surprisingly, after Macbeth learns that Macduff has fled to England, he responds by declaring that he will â€Å"give to the edge o’ the sword his wife, babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line.† (4.1.151-153). This shows how corrupt and evil Macbeth has become; he doesn’t even care about who he’s killing anymore. A wife and kids symbolizes purity and love in a man’s life; the fact that Macbeth doesn’t even consider the moral consequences of destroying a loving family and killing children shows how filled with ambition he has become. Macbeth is so afraid of losing to Macduff that he believes that by killing his family, Macduff will be broken beyond repair and not be able to face Macbeth. Unfortunately, he does not count on a certain someone to heighten Macduff’s hopes to slaying Macbeth by using his sorrow to his advantage. That certain someone is Malcolm, the son of Duncan. After the murder of his father, Malcolm’s ambition to destroy Macbeth becomes so strong that he forgets all moral values and disregards the feelings of others; this ambition represents revenge. Though Malcolm is able to understand the feelings of others, he lets nothing stop him from achieving his goal; this is either due to his inexperience of the world, or because he is too bent on revenge to think about anything else. When Macduff learns that his family is murdered, he begins to despair. Malcolm, not wanting to let anything get in the way of his ambition, tells Macduff to â€Å"dispute it like a man.† (4.3.221). Since Malcolm is a young man; he does not have a wife or kids and disregards Macduff’s pain as a sign of weakness. Note that even if Malcolm had a family and understood Macduff’s pain fully, he would still have been reckless and put revenge above anything else. Malcolm’s  father was a good man who lost his life at the hands of the man h e trusted the most; Malcolm is not going to let Macduff’s personal tragedy get in the way of his goal of destroying Macbeth. When Macduff responds by saying that first he must feel pain like a man, Malcolm responds by telling Macbeth to make his grief â€Å"be this the whetstone of your sword. Let grief convert to anger; blunt not the heart, enrage it.† (4.3.230- 231). While Malcolm is more understanding of the pain Macduff feels, he still convinces him to move on. When he says â€Å"let grief convert to anger†, he means for Macduff to use his sorrow as his anger so he can move on with his life and destroy the man responsible for his sorrow: Macbeth. Malcolm truly does feel bad about Macduff losing his family, but unlike Macduff, he has no family to worry about and has not experienced every pain and sorrow Macduff has been through. Given this evidence, it is evident how much ambition Malcolm has for destroying Macbeth. Macbeth is not fully to blame for his ambition clouding his judgment since the audience knows that Lady Macbeth has him kill Duncan so she can be Queen; this ambition represents power. While Macbeth is to blame for all he has done to his country, his wife started a chain reaction that sent Macbeth down this dark path. Had Macbeth not told his wife about the prophecies, she would not have become so obsessed with power and she would not have sent her husband to kill Duncan so she could be Queen faster†¦and all of Macbeth’s victims would be alive and well. Lady Macbeth wants so desperately to gain power, she begs of the immortals to â€Å"unsex me here and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty!† (1.5.41-43). Lady Macbeth is asking the spirits (or gods†¦I’m not quite sure; it’s pretty vague) to make her cruel and unforgiving so she can do the terrible deed of killing Duncan. This shows how evil and impatient Lady Macbeth is; ha d she waited for Duncan to promote Macbeth, she could have been Queen without her husband having to kill anyone, Macbeth would still have been a good person, and they would not have had to suffer so much guilt for all they did. Later, after Lady Macbeth drugs the guards, she boasts about the drugs â€Å"that which hath made them drunk Sprouse  hath made me bold; what hath quenched them hath given me fire.† Now Lady  Macbeth is almost certain that they will not fail; her ambition has clouded her better judgment and ignored the possibility of guilt haunting her and her husband. This ambition, the ambition of power, is by far the most deadly of all ambitions. If you want power so badly and very quickly, you forget about all the consequences that might come from it. In Lady Macbeth’s case, her consequence for her actions was the loss of her sanity and restless nights thinking about what she made her husband do, eventually causing her to take her own life. This being said, I think it is safe to say that too much ambition is NOT a promise of power or a sign of greatness.

Computer Virus and World Wide Web Essay

1. Workstation and desktop devices are prone to viruses, malware, and malicious software, especially if the user surfs the Internet and World Wide Web. Given that users connect to the Internet and World Wide Web, what security countermeasures can organizations implement to help mitigate the risk from viruses, malware, and malicious software? Organizations can restrict specific sites, key words like blogs, mirror sites and such. Organizations can also make sure specific ports are shut down; this can prevent back doors when accessing a site. There are a lot of web sites out there that do not need accessibility, especially for a work environment. 2. Your employees e-mail file attachments to each other and externally through the organization’s firewall and Internet connection. What security countermeasures can you implement to help mitigate the risk of rouge e-mail attachments and URL Web links? The basic step would be to not allow hyperlinks to automatically work when in an e-mail. Some times when a link is in a user can click and it will automatically launch it. Another step would be for the e-mail to have the user’s signature. This is usually verified through the user’s machine, for example in the military we have a Common Access Card. This card is a form of identification on multiple levels, in order for you to access your e-mail you need to log in with your CAC and enter your pin. When you send an –mail it has a signature on it based on the code in your CAC, this way the person receiving the e-mail knows it is from you. Another way of doing it is by having public keys and private keys, this way both users know it is from the individual. 3. Why is it recommended to do an antivirus signature file update before performing an antivirus scan on your computer?  From what the lab showed me and from my understanding it is because the scan will not scan encrypted files. The signature file would have been able to pick it up and it would work in tangent with the scan. 4. Once a malicious file is found on your computer, what are the default settings for USB/removable device scanning? What should organizations do regarding use of USB hard drives and slots on existing computers and devices? Some devices have serial numbers associated with them, and this string is optional. This is defaulted with thumb drives, USB hard drives and PDAs. Most scanning and tracking details would be of most use with the USB mass storage devices. Organizations should immediately remove the AUTO run feature! This is basic in the military, any one would be able to come in and throw a thumb drive and automatically run whatever it is on it making it a vulnerability. 5. If you find a suspect executable and wish to perform â€Å"dynamic analysis† what does that mean? Dynamic analysis is the testing and evaluation of a program by executing data in real-time. The objective is to find errors in a program while it is running, rather than by repeatedly examining the code offline 6. What is a malware and malicious code sandbox? This can be potentially dangerous but it is looked like as a sandbox. This is by running the virus, preferably in a machine with limited access to a network and something that isn’t much of a use and executing the virus in real time. This way you can debug the virus and see what is it doing so you can detected and prevent it. 7. What are typical indicators that your computer system is compromised? It is slow, everything you do takes a lot longer to perform. You are missing data, your peripherals are not responding or they are performing automatic actions. Your computer starts up during odd hours and it is used as a zombie computer. You have additional items on your browser, you have an entirely different browsers, items are opening up and there are a lot of pop ups. 8. Where does AVG Business Edition 2012 place viruses, Trojans, worms, and other malicious software when it finds them? According to the lab it is quarantined, it is isolated and then removed by the user’s request. I am assuming it is then directed to the AVG corporations for further analysis fir updates.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Healthcare Disparity In Different Race Health And Social Care Essay

The United States health care system has been found to endure from different defects runing from the mode in which the insurance screen works, to the mode in which persons in different races are treated. Furthermore, the US over the old ages has been badly affected by the favoritism in different degrees based on age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, to call but a few. In add-on, many people have been denied wellness attention, or have had their medical intervention withheld due to their cultural position, or gender orientation. Therefore, as a consequence a figure of studies have been conducted in order to come up with an efficient system of extinguishing these jobs. Therefore, in this research, the research wishes to explain that disparities in heath attention do really be, but even though they tend to be elusive, there are assorted schemes which when employed good could take to decreased degrees of disparities, and increased quality of health care. Concepts and Definition of Health care disparities Healthcare Disparities: these relates to the differences, which exists sing the quality of the health care that is given to persons of different races, different ethnicities, socioeconomic groups, every bit good as sexual orientation ( U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010 ) . Hence, different groupings in society receive different values in footings of quality, of the health care services. In add-on, health care disparities has been regarded by the Health Resources and Services Administration as the differences that emerge out of the assorted population categorizations in footings of the manifestation of disease, wellness wakes, every bit good as the degree to which people entree health care services ( Goldberg, Hayes, and Huntley, 2004 ) . Research Questions The research aims at accomplishing replies to the undermentioned inquiries: What is the nature of disparities in the United States? What are the prevailing disparities in the bringing of health care services? What is the impact of personal features on the quality of and entree to healthcare? What are the cardinal means to extinguishing disparities that exist in the health care service? Research Aims The general aim for the research is to happen ways of extinguishing healthcare disparities in the United States Specific aims are, To happen out the assorted signifiers of disparities in health care To happen out the jobs the quality of health care disparities in the United States To happen out the greatly affected persons in footings of health care disparities Research Hypothesis * Null Hypothesis It is merely through a combined attempt that the prevalent wellness attention disparities could be eliminated * Alternate Hypothesis Health attention disparities can non be eliminated even through combined attempts. Significance/Purpose of survey The United States comprises of different groups of people both coming from different countries of the universe. All these persons quest for high-quality wellness attention services, which have been discovered to exhibit differential results in relation to different races. Therefore, this research is cardinal owing to the fact that the proviso of efficient wellness attention is a demand for every one in the United States, like any other portion of the universe. Minorities suffer due to these jobs. Restrictions of the survey This survey is limited to secondary stuffs which have already been published therefore no original beginnings used. It is farther limited to the informations collected in the US even though cognition of other parts of the universe have been critical to the development of this research Healthcare Disparities in different Race Disparity relates to the state of affairs characterized by the absence of equity in footings of one ‘s ranking, age, every bit good as grade ; it really indicate to unfairness, divergency, incompatibility every bit good as difference ( AHRQ, 2003 ) . In add-on, there is a close nexus between disparity in the health care services and equity. However, a figure of differences do be at the single degree. This includes the response of less medicine because of the degree at which the disease under consideration is has reached. It could besides be because of one ‘s ain pick to have medicine ; due to systemic barriers towards the attainment of the necessary medicine ; it could be because of both factors, which have been outlined above ( AHRQ, 2003 ) . Furthermore, a requirement for the designation of disparities is the expected quality of service to be attained by patients ( AHRQ, 2003 ) . However, the health care disparity that has been presented by the AHRQ operates under the premise that its quality of effectivity has been scientifically proven, by a professional justification that it can be provided to all the patients ( AHRQ, 2003 ) . Consequently, all patients have a right to quality health care, but in order for that to be attained, they need to hold entree to it. However, persons ‘ entree to healthcare exhibits changing dimensions as respects to the chance to have proper and effectual attention. Unfortunately, health care professionals have non yet attained conclusive determinations sing the appropriate agencies of achieving quality uplifting. Furthermore, different races exhibit different characteristics under consideration depending on the racial, cultural, geographic, every bit good as socioeconomic groups, and de pending on the cogency of the measuring tool. Besides, persons have changing behaviours as a consequence of linguistic communication barriers, cultural beliefs, differences in the preference to quest for a timely health care, every bit good as the degree to which persons believe in the health care practicians ( AHRQ, 2003 ) . On the other manus, even though persons quest for health care services, they might be constrained by a figure of factors, including, but non limited to, persons ‘ capacity to afford health care, one ‘s geographical location, the manner in which health care services is delivered, the attitude of the medical practician, every bit good as the degree of uncertainness exhibited by persons ( AHRQ, 2003 ) . In add-on, there are assorted persons involved in the health care proviso model. And these persons have changing mentality on the mode in which duty is to be divided runing from the single degree, the private, every bit good as the public sectors degree. Hence, this facet possesses a strong challenge on the procedure of placing the proper class of action from the parties that are involved. Furthermore, the differences that exist in footings of quality of health care service to persons are non changeless but instead changing. Furthermore, differences, whether little or large, do non connote the urgency of the health care disparity. Hence, harmonizing to the Agency for Health Research Quality even a smaller disparity could connote an implicit in pressing demand to be addressed ( AHRQ, 2003 ) . Well, a desperate demand to understand the impact of the features of single patients on the quality of health care emerges. In add-on, it is really beyond doubt that persons differ in footings of race, ethnicity, instruction, location, income, every bit good as age, to call but a few. Harmonizing to the Agency for Health Research Quality study, it has been proofed that there is prevailing inequality in the quality of health care in the United States based on specific groups and specific fortunes ( AHRQ, 2003 ) . In add-on, one needs to understand the implicit in grounds for disparities, countries where disparities take topographic point, every bit good as the mode in which these disparities take topographic point. Therefore, disparities have been found to impact minorities more that whites ; that is, minorities such as African Americans, Asiatic Americans, Native Americans, every bit good as Latinos ( Goldberg, Hayes, and Huntley, 2004 ) . Furthermore, Goldberg, Hayes, and Huntley, who continue to admit the overpowering impact of disparities more on minorities with immense incidences of drawn-out diseases, greater rate of mortality, in add-on to hapless results in footings of wellness ( p.4 ) , have besides truly repeat this avowal. For case, malignant neoplastic disease has been rated among the African Americans to be 10 % more compared to incidences of it among the white population in the United States ( American Public Health Association, 2004 ) . Besides, a related incident has besides been identified in relation to the impact O diabetes on big African Americans every bit good as Latinos, who are seen to be twice hazardous than Whites ( American Public Health Association, 2004 ) . Therefor e, as it has been statistically observed, minorities stand to lose every bit far as healthcare disparity is concerned. This concern is farther cited in instances of cardiovascular unwellnesss, infant mortalities, every bit good as in instances of HIV/AIDS, whereby the minorities have been found to see increased incidences of the jobs under this consideration than Whites ( Goldberg, Hayes, and Huntley, 2004, p.5 ) . Harmonizing to Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation, many treatments have been in advancement sing the drift for wellness disparities in line with cultural every bit good as racial groupings ( 1999 ) . Nevertheless, a consensus that unites all parties concerned in assorted arguments about wellness disparities includes three major countries. Chiefly, one are relates to the environmental every bit good as socioeconomic characteristics of the assorted cultural every bit good as racial categorizations ( Goldberg, Hayes, and Huntley, 2004, p.6 ) . In add-on to this is the understanding that people populating in hapless societal conditions, exhibit a higher hazard of obtaining hapless quality health care ; the same applies to hapless economic status persons ( Goldberg, Hayes, and Huntley, 2004, p.6 ) . Secondly, some categorizations of people meet up with assorted barriers in their due pursuit to entree wellness attention proviso system ( Goldberg, Hayes, and Huntley, 2004, p.6 ) . Third, it h as besides been cited out that different cultural every bit good as racial categorization groups do obtain different quality of wellness attention based on their racial and cultural beginning ( Goldberg, Hayes, and Huntley, 2004, p.7 ) . However, put aside the aforesaid causes of disparities, the most of import demand is to hold an overview of the effects that these disparities have on the affected persons, both in footings of entree, every bit good as in footings of the quality of wellness attention attained. The same applies to ethnicity every bit good as racial disparities, in which there has been enormous research on over the old ages. Therefore, it is of import to observe that the information sing socio-economic wellness disparities is less outstanding comparison to the 1 on ethnicity and racial groups ( Isaacs, Stephen, and Steven, 2004, p.1137 ) . What causes disparities in the degree of entree to wellness attention? There are a figure of factors that lead to disparities in the entree persons have towards wellness attention, they include, but non limited to, the followers ; unequal coverage in footings of insurance. In this instance, it has been found out that people who lack entree to insurance services end up proroguing their entree to medical services. They are besides likely to disregard medical attention, or utilize medical specialty without holding to travel for prescription, a scenario that has been observed more on minorities than on Whites ( Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, 2003 ) . Another cause of disparity in entree to wellness attention consequences from the insufficiency of a steady beginning of attention, which means persons fail to entree attention, or visit physicians less frequently, or neglect to entree drug prescription ; this incident has been observed more on minorities that on Whites ( Fr yer, Dovey, and Green, 2000 ) . Next, minorities tend to hold unequal entree to wellness attention, compared to Whites, based on their insufficiency to fiscal resources ( Commonwealth fund, 1999 ) . This is because single with greater entree to fiscal resources are Whites, and non minorities, though some minorities excessively have fiscal gift. In add-on, legal barriers play important function in finding persons with entree to healthcare. This is because public insurance bundles tend to be limited merely to persons who have been in the United States for more than five old ages, and those who have non are denied Medicaid coverage ( Goldberg, Hayes, and Huntley, 2004, p.10 ) . Therefore, immigrants are more deprived than citizens are, therefore possessing higher degrees of disparities are. Nevertheless, minorities besides seem to be limited in their entree to wellness attention due to structural barriers, such as unequal transit installations, every bit good as the failure to run into up with assignments to physician s, therefore decreasing the preparedness of minorities to obtain necessary health care ( AHRQ, 2003 ) . Furthermore, the wellness attention work force, harmonizing to statistics comprise of 4 % African American doctors, and 5 % Latino doctors, which implies that there is a unequal diverseness in these cultural groupings compared to the Whites who are dominant ; hence whites provide services, while minorities tend to be patients ( Goldberg, Hayes, and Huntley, 2003, p.13 ) . Therefore, other factors include age, knowledge refering wellness attention, linguistic communication barriers, every bit good as the low figure of wellness attention suppliers. However, what causes disparities in the quality of wellness attention? The requirement for effectual intervention, every bit good as wellness attention is proper communicating between the supplier and the patient. In add-on, a proper communicating channel surpasses race, because a bad communicating can do an wrong diagnosing, incorrect medicine, every bit good as misunderstanding of wellness attention supplier instructions. In add-on, the gravitation of linguistic communication barrier in the United States tend to impact non-English talkers compared to English talkers who will hold a clear appreciation of direction. The same applies to communications between patients and attention suppliers, in which instance the former tend to be influenced by their cultural beliefs refering Western medical specialty ( Goldberg, Hayes, Huntley, 2004, p.14 ) . There are some instances where favoritism hinders the proviso of quality wellness attention. Most of these instances consequences from an unconscious or witting disparity in the intervention of different services to different persons based on their race and ethnicity. For case, some serious operations might non be easy performed on minorities, but a figure of research workers still tend to mention an underlying demand to detect more accounts on the mode in which determinations are made by physicians. This owes to the fact that in some instances, some groups of diseases are based on cultural backgrounds that are non taken into consideration in the procedure of decision-making ( Smedley, and Nelson, 2002 ) . Research Design and Methods This is an exploratory survey, which analyses the assorted surveies that have been conducted by bookmans and professionals in this field of healthcare disparity. The chief grounds for taking exploratory survey is due to the restriction that exists in footings of clip every bit good as money. Second, this research comes because of legion researches done on the country and wants to happen out the result of these researches. Furthermore, the research explores the assorted instance surveies that have been conducted in this field of wellness attention. Besides, it besides emphasizes on papers analysis of the assorted historical every bit good as modern-day, public records, studies, authorities stuffs every bit good as sentiments. Hence, the usage of secondary informations analysis has been observed to have throughout the greater part of this research. The research is besides structured in a mode that ab initio an debut lays footing for the apprehension of the constructs that relate to wellness attention disparities in the United States. Consequently, the research inquiries are presented, and the chief drift for transporting out this research, including its relevancy. Decision and Recommendation From the above treatments, it is really apparent that wellness attention disparities do be, and that it is rather elusive to extinguish them. However, it is really of import to take into consideration all factors such as medical, societal, economic, every bit good as political issues that could be employed in order to accomplish the Obama aim that relates to the attainment of low-cost, high-quality system of wellness attention bringing ( Collen, 2010, p.93 ) . Therefore, in order to accomplish this end, the research recommends that all relevant plans that are to be designed in order to cut down disparities should be evaluated extensively so that any defect is dealt with consequently. In add-on, the wellness attention work force should be balanced in a mode that both the minority and bulks are good represented. Likewise, wellness attention disparities should be eliminated with increased entree to services to all racial and cultural groups ( McDonough, Gibbs, Scott-Harris, Kronebusch, Navarro, and Taylor, 2004 ) . Consequently, all the relevant people in the wellness attention system should be inclined towards the publicity of the quality of wellness attention proviso to the minorities. Elsewhere, this research recommends the betterment of both organisation every bit good as adjustment services so that an ambiance of repose exists between the patients and the medical practicians concerned. Sing cultural disparities and discriminatory attitudes, people should be encouraged to follow themselves to understanding other civilizations in order to heighten their degree of tolerance in add-on to increased grasp of other civilizations and beliefs ( Brach & A ; Fraser, 200 ) . Finally, because one of the greatest jobs that affect minorities is linguistic communication barriers, therefore the proviso of translators in order to provide for foreign every bit good as those with hearing damage should be given support from the authorities. Finally, the inquiry of wellness attention disparity has been addressed in item both in footings of its nature, and in footings of the assorted ways, that disparity manifests itself in the wellness attention sector. Finally, the research worker p roceeded to supplying reasoned recommendations and decisions sing the affair under consideration.