Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Flow of Theory

Do you think an employee's productivity is affected by whether they are satisfied or unsatisfied as an employee? Explain your answer. Yes, I think an employee's productivity is affected by whether they are satisfied or unsatisfied as an employee. As employees spend most of their time at work, the employees' identity is closely linked to their Jobs. Employees have feelings; they must feel satisfied or feel that the Job is treating them fairly. When they feel that they are being appreciated, they become satisfied and hence they tend to outperform unsatisfied employees in terms of labor retention, attendance and work quality.However, satisfied employees are not always more productive than unsatisfied employees. 2. In general terms, describe strategic HRM and its importance in the organization. Strategic HRM is defined as the development and implementation of human resource processes to facilitate the achievement of the organization's strategic objectives. Strategic HRM allows an organiz ation to make informed and purposeful actions. Because of strategic HRM, the company now has a clear common vision of why an organization exists which enables better and more effective HRM decisions.HRM ctivities are now also able to expand awareness of possibilities, identify strength and weaknesses, reveals opportunities and points which are needed to evaluate the probable impact of internal and external forces. A strategic HRM plan which is well designed will allow the HR department to be prepared to cope with changes in external and internal environments. 3. In the past decade, there have been rapid, turbulent, and often strained developments in the relationship between employers and employees. Describe these developments and what they mean to HR managers.New trends and changes have occurred in telecommuting, outsourcing, HRM practices, family medical leave, child care, spousal relocation assistance, pay for skills, benefit cost-sharing, union- management negotiations, testing a nd many other HRM areas of interest. These trends arise due to the rise of new lifestyles and an aging population. Because of these reasons, HR managers need to use new and flexible approaches without jeopardizing the survival of the organization. HR managers in the current time have to cope with changes and still contribute to the organization.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Passive Aggressive Behavior in the Workplace Essay

Projects are due; holidays are here, so much to be done and so little time to do it. It is just a part of life to be dealing with so many different types of personalities, different work ethics and just basically understanding the people that you work with in a forty-hour work week. Dealing with co-workers that are passive-aggressive in their behavior can be quite frustrating until you learn the best ways in which to deal with this type of behavior. Individuals who exhibit passive aggressive behavior tend to express hostile and antagonistic feelings in a non-aggressive way. Although they may appear to be passive on the surface, in reality they are direct and purposeful and intend to control, injure or assign a negative perception, all the while avoiding responsibility (Hopwood, 2009). Once you understand passive aggressive behavior it is easy to spot. Many people are afraid to confront feelings period, whether they are positive or negative. So many people really do not know how to express themselves and exactly what they are feeling so they stuff their emotions down ignoring them. These negative emotions come out in some form or fashion and most of the time at the expense of others. In order to feel their self-importance they will put others down but in a joking matter and subtle way. A passive aggressive individual is identified by their actions, behaviors, non-verbal and verbal actions. Nancy was never satisfied; nothing in the department went her way. She was overworked, underpaid and never let a moment go by that she didn’t let everyone around her know it. If you had a question, even if it was not directed at her, she had the answer. But yet, she never kept her workload up to the levels of the rest of the team. Always with an excuse, she never completed her work on time and blamed others for the lack of cooperation. In meetings, Nancy had her arms folded, or her head down writing whatever came to mind on a piece of paper. When asked her input on anything her answer was always, â€Å"whatever the team decides.† But yet, she was the first one out of the gate to complain about decisions that had been made. Nancy is a prime example of: Passive Aggressive Behavior. Dealing with Nancy was difficult but yet she had a charm and gentleness about her that although she got on your nerves she also could be very sweet. Nancy had been with the company for over seventeen years, she was single, never  married and no family to speak of near her. Knowing Nancy as an unhappy, lonely person and understanding her past helped in dealing with her on a daily basis. Her behavior, although unacceptable, was due to her lack of self-image, her disbelief in her own abilities and her own lack of social skills. Her only way of communication was in a negative way. Complaints given, reviews with low scores, lack of promotion and even lack of increase in pay, have yet to change the behavior on Nancy part. It is surprising that she still has a job with the same company. Taking the time to view how to handle situations and interact with other people can greatly impact the workplace environment. It is important to deal with emotions in ways that are healthy and constructive to both yourself and those in your life. Although Nancy’s behavior had a negative impact on some of the co-workers, learning to tune her out was their way of handling her behavior. There were a couple of individuals that would call Nancy out on her behavior and in some cases it ended up with conflict between the two parties. Passive-aggressive behavior can cause problems in the workplace on both a personal and organizational level. Organizational politics has emerged in the last decade as a field of growing value and relevance for understanding managerial processes. Studies have examined various aspects of political behavior in the workplace but have not done enough to cover the full variety of aftermaths that such behavior may yield. (Vigoda, 2002) Office politics play a role in aggressive behavior as studies done by Ferris, Fedor, Chacher and Pondy (1989) suggest. In this study it was pointed out that self-interest may be consistent with or at the expense of others. Organizations politics can result in both a positive and negative outcome at work. Helen and Joe were both up for the same promotion at work. Joe was friendly outside of work with his supervisor, Tom. Helen, being a mother of a teenager, did not spend the time meeting others after work. Both individuals were on the same level with skills and knowledge, but Joe was promoted. Up to the time of the announcement, Helen and Joe were work time friends, often going to lunch together. After the announcement of Joe’s new role, Helen could not bring herself to continuing the friendship. In fact, Helen turned into a very passive aggressive individual often sabotaging Joe’s work to make him look bad. The role that  office politics played lead to the behavior of Helen; however, she finally saw how her behavior was only hurting her and came around to acceptance of Joe’s new role. Within a couple of years Helen had moved over to another department and by-passed Joe’s level within the company. Understanding the personality traits of co-workers and supervisors will be a positive aspect of dealing with the passive aggressive individuals. When dealing with someone who exhibits passive aggressive behavior, moderating your responses will help the individual work on changing their behavior. To show anger when dealing with these type individuals will only invest and encourage their behavior by bringing you into the aggressiveness. Choosing not to participate in passive aggressive behavior, either by calling out a co-worker on his/her conduct or by not exhibiting such behavior yourself, can only reap benefits. References Ferris, G. R., Fedor, D. B., Chachere, J. G., &Pondy, L. R. (1989a). Myths and politics in organizational context. Group and Organization Studies, 14, 83-103 Hopwood, Christopher J;Morey, Leslie C;Markowitz, John C;Pinto, Anthony;Skodol, Andrew E;Gunderso. The Construct Validity of Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder. Psychiatry; Fall 2009; 72, 3; ProQuest Central pg. 256 Vigoda, Eran. Journal of Organizational Behavior Stress-related aftermaths to workplace politics: The relationships among politics, job distress, and aggressive behavior in organizations 23. 5 (Aug 2002): 571-591.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Leadership challenge in GAS Co Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Leadership challenge in GAS Co - Essay Example 5.2. Many car manufacturers have begun to convert their product designs to run on greener alternatives than petroleum fuels. 5.3. Cars and land vehicles using the green technologies will be in mass production by 2015 (three years from this report), in increasing volumes every year, pursuant to mandatory provisions in international agreements and EU directives. 5.4. At present, GAS Co. is still aggressively expanding its conventional gasoline stations which, while offering biofuels, are still designed primarily for petroleum fuels; there are no special design or system considerations yet for alternative fuels. 5.5. The firm’s executives still loyally pursue the original strategy of their parents to pursue the petroleum business which is its present competency; no new competencies are being developed beyond ethanol gasoline (E85). 6. Strategy to overcome the challenge to the leadership 6.1. The present leadership must resolve to break away from its traditional strategy and consi der gaining new competencies in the alternative technologies. 6.2. Aggressive construction of refilling stations should be suspended, pending new designs pursuant to the new competencies. 6.3. Environmental scanning should be conducted to determine the technologies most likely to be adopted in their franchise areas. 6.4. Massive reorientation of R&D and engineering designs, followed by HRD, training, and operations, should follow the decision as to what innovative technologies to adopt. 6.5. New franchise contract should be revised and existing franchises renegotiated in accordance with the proposed technical changes. 7. Conclusion The leadership should assess the new technical, regulatory, and business environment and articulate their company strategies and plans to ensure the firm’s... The organization upon which this discussion shall centre is a petroleum company which, for confidentiality purposes upon the company’s request, this study shall be designated as GAS Co. The firm’s business is the wholesale and retail distribution of petroleum fuel and lubricant products. The firm is based in an emerging Asian economy, and presently has some 500 retail stations located throughout the Southeast Asia and Pacific region, and about 30 depots that store quantities of downstream petroleum products (i.e., diesel, kerosene, unleaded, ethanol (E85), and premium gasoline). GAS Co. began in 1978 as a family corporation which offered mass storage facilities for petroleum and petrochemical based products; it then expanded into providing wholesale supply of petroleum products to industrial and manufacturing clientele. Thereafter it entered into a partnership with one of the world’s leading suppliers of lubricant additives, which enabled the company to undertake its own research and development in lubricants. Not long thereafter, when the downstream oil industry was deregulated by the national government, GAS Co. took the bold step of being the first local petroleum retailer to establish its line of refilling stations. It is now the leading local petroleum retailer in the country, and continues to expand by franchising its fuel refilling stations, which it began in the 1990s.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Developing Ethics at Workplace Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Developing Ethics at Workplace - Research Paper Example If the employees have the opposite attributes like laziness and show lack of values, the company will not prosper, and the employees should not be there very long† (Eileen, 2008). The Need and Importance of Ethics In order to establish in a competitive environment, the managers must possess ethical values, and use item in the organization. Existence of Business: Business ethics is compulsory for the existence of any business. If the business does not follow any ethical values, the business flops in the market and will creates a bad public image among the customers. Eventually, this will lead to the collapse of the business. Therefore, for a business to succeed and survive in the market, it needs to develop ethical principles. Protecting Rights of Consumers: Business ethics should be developed to look after the rights of the consumers, which includes the right to be informed about the products availability, features, safety, right to be heard, etc. Protecting Employees and Share holders: The employees and the share holders play an important role in the proper functioning of the business. Therefore, ethical values protect them from unethical activities. Increasing Number of Consumers: When the business follows good ethical principles, there will be increase in the number of customers. Customers prefer honest and reasonable dealings. They have the right to file a case against businessmen who indulge in unfair practices. Satisfaction for Customers: Customers are the ones who lead the business. The main objective of any business is to satisfy its customers. Consumers will be happy, only if the company employs business ethics in their dealings. Benefits to Employees: Business ethics provide the employees reasonable wages and compensation benefits. It includes, giving them better working conditions. Maintenance of good relationships between employer and employees. The employee’s proper facilities or amenities. The employees should also have the right to ar gue for their benefits to the management. Benefits to the Society: By reducing unfair trade practices, there will regular supply of better quality products and services to the customers. This results in establishing good relationship with the society. Efficient Performance: If the business practices all the ingredience of business ethics, the employees of the organization contribute and cooperate with the managers. This will lead to increased sales, higher profits, and expansion of the business. Healthy Competition: Business organizations must make use of ethical principles while dealing with the competitors. They must have strong values while opposing the competitors. There must be equal chance for small-scale businesses to survive in the market. â€Å"Buyers Market: In recent times, structural changes have taken place in the concept of business. In the case of many products, sellers market has been converted into buyers market. Under such changed business conditions, business eth ics is needed to stress the importance of consumer satisfaction and service orientation, in place of profit orientation† (Haider, 2010). Reduces Business Misconduct: There are chances of malpractices in some business such as high pricing, black marketing, adulteration, and selling of false products to the customers. This reduces the image and sale of the products. Developing ethical principles

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Importance of training in legal requirements, diversity, employee Assignment

Importance of training in legal requirements, diversity, employee growth - Assignment Example Majority of the companies and the workforce are under some aspect of legal ruling. Statistics show that many people are still in the dark in matters to do with the law. Training in legal requirement will allow the employee and the employer to protect themselves from tyranny (Mathews, 2001). This will ensure that the employees follow the regulations at all times. By being familiar with these requirements, one might have a better chance of defending him or herself. There are several laws that the federal government requires or recommends for employee and organization training. One law in which training is required is the health and occupational safety. This will promote health and safety in the working environment and, thus, is of utmost benefit. Employees will be motivated as they know their health and safety is taken care of. Legal requirement also addresses the issues on ethics and sexual harassment. There have been cases in which employers are held responsible for sexual harassment. This happens in the situation where the organization has failed to exercise care to prevent and correct such behaviors within the work environment (Mathews, 2001). It is crucial for the company to understand the laws that apply to their everyday activities. Training can minimize the employer’s liability if an employee is guilty of a criminal offence. It is also essential to know the legal requirements that your company must comply with such as contracts, licenses, registrations and leases. The knowledge of legal requirements will enable the company to avert lawsuits and be better positioned should such an event occur. An organization that practices effective an ethics program and compliance decreases its fines for conviction by up to 90 percent (Dessler, 2004). Teaching legal requirements to the company also entails covering legal problems that one may encounter such as insurance,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Statutory Interpretation Within The Courts Of England & Wales Essay - 1

Statutory Interpretation Within The Courts Of England & Wales - Essay Example In this essay, the primary purpose is to identify the standard powers available to the courts in England and wales in association with statutory interpretation. Moreover, the essay will explore how the canon of judicial precedent employs statutory interpretation. Users of the law such as students, practitioners, academics are in many times faced with difficulty to interpret drafted laws. Factors that lead to the need for the interpretation have already been highlighted and shall be divided into two i.e. due to insufficiency or narrowness and broadness or the legislation being general. To clarify such matters, the court has the power to give guidance and interpret such law by administering justice to the people. Therefore, in this regard, there are three basic rules ‘Canons’ that are at the disposal of the court to determine the targets and the meaning of a statute (Edlin, 2007). Further According to Keenan and Riches in their book Business Law, judges must follow the laid out guidelines that are categorized according to their origin i.e. either statutory rules or common law rules. For example, under the statutory rules interpretation sections are found in the Modern acts (interpretation Act 1978 and internal/intrinsic aids). On the other hand, common law rules guides the judge on how to interpret (Literal rule, Golden rule, and mischief rule) ( Keenan & Riches, 2011). This is the first rule of statutory interpretation where the court is expected to assess the common and basic understanding and meaning of a provision. This rule is aimed at maintaining the original intent of parliament. Hence, in case ambiguity is present the natural and original dictionary meaning is applied. Consequently the literal rule is greatly recognized because it respects parliamentary independence. However, this also means that judges are not at liberty in regards to statutory interpretation. More so, the literal rule does not go without its flaws for example the use of dictionary

Digital Marketing Strategies to promote Fashion Antidote Website Essay

Digital Marketing Strategies to promote Fashion Antidote Website - Essay Example The essay "Digital Marketing Strategies to promote Fashion Antidote Website" discusses digital marketing strategy to be used by Fashion Antidote. Fashion Antidote Facebook page is a well-established fashion company that has many customers both in the field and in online. The group has the feeling that Fashion Antidote needs to upgrade its website and especially their Facebook page to be able to be at purr with current fashion trends. As well, with increased innovation at the fashion school, there is need to expose all these to customers so that the company can grow. This means that if Fashion Antidote Facebook page has a fashion show or unique fashion taste it wants to share, the Facebook page is the best way to share all these. Understanding the concept of digital strategy in this case is very vital if a good strategy must be developed. Digital strategy is that overall approach that a company takes after making a decision that they want to invest in online business in order to achie ve their goals. It can involve building the reputation of the business online especially with the focus of being a leader in the area of business. This can also extend to overarching digital strategy of a business in order to migrate the major sales transaction from online to offline. In the development of such a strategy, a company is required to have one major goal as opposed to numerous goals even though there is no much restriction in this. For the Fashion Antidote Facebook page is to be able to capture the latest fashion trends.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Fast Food Restaurants are Responsible for Obesity in U.S Research Paper

Fast Food Restaurants are Responsible for Obesity in U.S - Research Paper Example Moreover, it has been noted that the fast-food sector attracts the middle class by locating restaurants along highways and offering foods that attract a large number of Americans. Lower prices, free toys and convenience target the middle class particularly those who are budget-conscious (Strom, 2011). Furthermore, advertisements for fast-food restaurants are normally immensely appealing and thus attract many customers to visit the restaurants in order to get the deliciously served foods they see on advertisements. As a result, these people are likely to visit the restaurant frequently due to increasing appeals the advertisers pose. Even-though, it is clear that fast foods are to some extent responsible for Obesity in America, the restaurants are not responsible for notifying the public about the risks because people are free to make their decisions concerning what to eat or not. Research has shown that working class persons visit fast foods more often than the rich people do. This means that these people are learned and; therefore, they are aware of the dangers of consuming fast foods. In addition, one can argue that Obesity does not result solely from eating fast foods; it can result from cigarette smoking, and lack of exercise. Strom, S. (November 30, 2011)Toys Stay in San Francisco Happy Meals, for a Charge. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


GROUP DEVELOPMENT AND THE GROUP STRUCTURE - Essay Example The role of leadership is highly considerable in resolving the conflicts within the groups. The organization’s culture and structure have a significant role in the group development and group structure of the company. The group structure is derived on the basis of company’s policies and procedures that are followed by all the employees of the company. As a new joined member of the group project, I was liable to fully follow the group structured guidelines that are already been designed by the leader and the other members of the group. But initially I was informed with the fact that the group has not started working on the project. When I joined the group the work gets started, and responsibilities and authorities were divided among all the group members. The management of activities and conflicts among the members of the group is the responsibility of a leader. The group leader was an impressive personality and he motivated the team in all stages of the project. The onl y thing that I found is needs to be improved to make more effective team structure that is the role of leader of the group. The leader used a centralized approach throughout the project. Every thing was compulsory to inform the leader at all stages. It is the responsibility to inform the leader at every stage of the work. However, in my opinion leadership could be more effective if it follows the charismatic approach of leadership. Group structure has a considerable impact on the performance of the group members. While working in a centralized structure, I had realized that centralized structure has a significant influence on the performance of our team. Decentralized structure could have been a better choice than centralized structure for the group practices, but it was not the perception of other group members. GROUP DEVELOPMENT AND THE GROUP STRUCTURE For understanding the behavior of the teams, it is extremely beneficial to analyze the model defined specifically for explaining t he steps required for the development of a team. The group development model is the source to identify the behavior of team members at four stages of the development phase of the group. I have explained the detailed analysis that is what I have experienced while working with a team. GROUP DEVELOPMENT MODEL (Johnson et al., 2002) There are four stages are defined in group development model of Tuckman’s in 1965 as defined by Johnson et al., (2002), and on the basis of which I have shared my experience in working with a group. Forming When I had attended the first group meeting, all of the other members of the group were familiar with each other because I had joined the group lately. The group was based on 9 members including leader. In the first meeting, I came to know that the working on the project has not been started so far, and I was surprised with this notification. I got introduced with the team members and met with the team leader as well. The leader played a decisive r ole as he was encouraging and influencing the team members. But what I felt is coordination among the team members was not satisfactory. Because of this reason the project did not start by the team in time. The proper coordination of team members is one of the basic responsibilities of group leader. For the realization of value of time management for the development of an effective team, I tried to let them understand the value of time in the project. Time management in the project increases the productivity, effectiveness and efficiency of the working procedures of the projects (Driscoll, 2013). Storming After good interaction with all the team members and a group leader, I precede to the next step of in the light of Tuckman’

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Are Ethnic Minorities Treaded Equally and Justly in the Allocation of Essay

Are Ethnic Minorities Treaded Equally and Justly in the Allocation of Social Housing - Essay Example A further quarter of a million social homes are currently overcrowded. Over recent decades, Rutter and Latorre (2009) indicate that there has been a large reduction in social housing stock in many parts of the UK. This is due to existing tenants exercising their right to buy their properties, and a reduction in the building of new social houses. These changes have also occurred at a time when there has been an increase in the number of households in the UK, caused by greater longevity, marital breakdown, and immigration. For example, UK Census data indicates that the UK’s foreign born population rose from 2.1 million (4.2% of population in 1951) to 4.9 million (8.3% of the population) by 2001. Labour Force Survey (LFS) data from 2007 suggests that the current percentage of foreign born UK citizens stands at around 10.7%. The highest percentage of foreign born people currently residing in the UK come from India (approximately 568,700) according to LFS data. All these factors ha ve contributed to larger social housing waiting lists across the UK and the increase in the rise of migrants and different ethnic minority groups immigrating into the UK has led to a debate surrounding the issue of social housing allocation amongst ethnic minority groups. ... The need for adequate social housing allocation policy is therefore necessary to not only reduce inequality between ethnic groups, but to also promote harmony and a peaceful multicultural society in which people from all ethnic backgrounds can coincide. Before identifying existing evidence of (in)equality, I believe it is important to identify this very term. According to Ratcliffe ‘the notion of (in)equality can relate to objectives, forms/degrees of access and outcomes to particular social structures within society’ (1999:5). For example, in order to get good quality housing, people must also have good access and high achievement in other institutional areas, e.g. education and employment. This suggests that housing allocation and inequality between ethnic groups can be determined by wider socio-demographic factors, i.e. the better grades a person achieves at school, the better likelihood they are to get a well paid job, and as such, the increased likelihood they are t o live in adequate and safe residential neighbourhoods. In order for local authorities and the government to tackle racial inequality within the housing sector, it appears a holistic approach will be needed. Rutter and Lasorre (2009) highlight that attempts to create fair systems for allocating social housing date back to the Housing Act of 1936, in which local authorities were required to give reasonable preference for social housing to applicants who met ‘certain criteria’. After 1945, there was a strong notion that social housing should be provided for the most vulnerable in society. However, it is this ‘certain criteria’ which people had to meet in order to be eligible for social housing which has

Monday, July 22, 2019

Overview of the Annual Report and Form 10k and the Balance Sheet Essay Example for Free

Overview of the Annual Report and Form 10k and the Balance Sheet Essay I should be able to understand your answer and see what the numerical support is without looking at your tables. For all problem sets, please show tables and calculations with each answer (unsupported answers will be marked wrong), not in separate tables. I should be able to look at your tables or calculations and see what the answer should be without actually reading it. And I should be able to read and understand your interpretation of a table without having to look at it. Clearly show and label any and all calculations. Your output should look professional. 1. Corporate Message: What does Coca Cola’s 2012 Annual Review tell you about the message the company wants to convey to its readers? Point out examples to support your discussion. 2. Describe the three types of Coca Cola’s bottling relationships. Name the significant companies that are accounted for by the equity method. Does Coca Cola have a controlling interest in these companies? Explain and demonstrate why or why not? What would the company’s balance sheet look like if Coke were to account for its publicly traded equity method investments at fair value rather than using the equity method? . Except for Property, plant, and equipment, what was Coca Cola’s largest single asset (not asset category) at 12/31/2012? How does it compare to 2011? Why do you think it increased? What was its relative impact on the change in total assets? Which component of Coca Cola’s balance sheet is the primary factor causing the company’s change in total assets fro m December 31, 2011 to December 31, 2012? How much did this factor change by relative to (i. e. , as a percentage of) the change in total assets? 4. Income Tax: Is Coca Cola’s effective (i. e. , average) tax rate more or less than the U. S. federal (â€Å"statutory†) rate? What is the primary reason(s) that it was more/less in 2012? 5. Look at Coke’s 10K. For 2012, is the amount of dividends declared equal to the amount of dividends paid? What are these amounts? Where did you find them? Did dividends declared increase, decrease, or remain the same – per share and in total, compared to 2011? 6. Prepare a 2011 and 2012 common size balance sheet for Coke. Comment on differences between the two. A common size balance sheet is one for which each item in the balance sheet is divided by total assets. Download Pepsi’s 2012 10-K from Pepsico. com 7. Using the information in Pepsi’s 2012 10-K, calculate the company’s a. Total market value for 2012 and 2011. b. Book value to common shareholders for 2012 and 2011 (Hint: Pepsi does not have dividends in arrears on their preferred shares. Use Pepsi’s call price located in the footnotes for the preferred stock claim. Just subtract the total preferred stock call price amount from total stockholders’ equity. c. Market to book value ratios for 2012 and 2011. d. How do the above ratios for Pepsi compare to those of Coca Cola for the same two years? How do you interpret any differences? 8. Make a common size balance sheet for Pepsi for 2012 (round your percentages to 1 decimal place – i. e. , the same as 0. xxx ) Examine the two companies’ common size balance sheets. What do you notice about a. Cash and cash equivalents b. Net receivables c. Current liabilities d. Long term debt What do you think any significant differences between these ratios might mean? Do you notice any other significant differences between Coke and Pepsi? 9. Working capital: Working capital equals total current assets minus total current liabilities. How much working capital does Pepsi have at 12/31/2012 and 12/31/2011? How much working capital does Coca Cola have at 12/31/2012 and 12/31/2011? Can you directly compare the two companies’ working capital? Why or why not? If not, how could you make them comparable? Are the two companies experiencing similar changes in working capital?

Problem occurs in real life

Problem occurs in real life Introduction Communication play the important part to solve the any kind of the problem occurs in the real life. There are two types of the communication. Internal communication External communication Internal communication is the communication between employees or departments across all levels or divisions of an organization (CBS Interactive Inc., 2009) whereas the external communication is the the exchange of information and messages between an organization and other organizations, groups, or individuals outside its formal structure (CBS Interactive Inc., 2009). Internal communication is the most and important factor within the any small or big organisation. Because of the good and right internal communication between employees, make their work more efficient and accurate which helps the company progress in the market. There are no of the flows of the internal communication within the organisation and those are formal, informal, upward, downward, vertical, and horizontal. All of them are used by the any organisation as they required. It adds value to the companys overall performance. All flows of the internal communication uses different types of the method of communication and that are verbal, non-verbal, visual, written, electronic, mass. But for doing that, organisation is using different kind of support to implement the internal communication .And those are telephone, face to face, tables, advertisement, eye contact, email, sign language, letter, fax, etc. In the organisation when we are going to use more of internal communication when something happening in the business or the organisation. That means change. When anyone thinks about the change, at the first point nobody will like it at the very first stage. Because of, Change is something that presses us out of our comfort zone.'(Institute of Industrial Engineers, 2009). Why we need a change? Change will be occurring in the organization due to two factors. Those are Internal force External force Change with Internal forces like, changing the employee, new equipment buying, behaviour or attitude of the employee, or the structure of the company has been change, or owner change. That all affecting the organisation and they heavily affect the business. Second one is external forces. Those are the new technology due to new research, market change, economy change, government laws change, etc. All are affecting the whole market and the organization as well. Mainly there are three types of the change occur in the organization structure, technology and people. First is structure changing that means like formalization, size of the company, converting flat structure to tall structure, changing the country (culture). Example, before the organization does not have the timing to come at work and go. Suddenly top management implement the time to come to work and go from work. That will make the difference to the entire employee. Second one is technology that means; today everyday there is new technology coming in the market. To cope up with the competitor everyone have use the latest technology. For that you have to train all the employees to use that new technology. Example, before LSC do not have the biometric attendance but now they do so, the management has to train the all the lectures, how to use that biometric machine? and last one is the people that means attitude and behaviour change of the employee, or management change Example, suppo se the company is in loss and owner sell the company to the another owner so the new owner might change whole employee or might he/she keep them but the management is changed so employee has to work in way that is suitable for the new owner. Now this change cannot be implementing in straight way in the business so for that we have to follow the process or steps of the change. They are as follows, Purpose Plan Action Feedback Adapt Repeat (lance haun,2009) Now I come back to the main question which is How to use an internal communication in a context of change? For that I am going to give you two or three case study as an example. Case study: JD SPORTS using the HHT (scanners) Few months before there is new system comes in the one of UKs company name called JD SPORTS. That system is HHT (scanners).When this system came in the company nobody have a clue how to use it and at the first stage all management denied to use that. But then top level management explain what the system is about and how to use it what are the benefit for that all that to the managers of the stores. And then after manager came to staffs and same thing explain to them and then they all understand what the HHT (scanners) is? And they are going to use it? Now that system is in the store but still employee bit scared to use it because it is very expensive product and second thing it is that connected to the head office so, any single mistake done that straight go to the head office. Then time gone people use to it and now it become so simple to use it. Now they realized that the manual work was very time consuming but with the scanner their job become easier. Now if you go in the store ev eryone of the employee is always looking for the HHT (scanner) because it makes their job easier. Why that is make happen because they explain the whole system from top level management to the normal staff very briefly and also they took the feedback and implement some new feature to it and now system is in the every single store of this company. And for doing that company spend so much time and money. Like they handout the leaflets for that and they shown the employee videos of it. Thus, from above we can say that, they change the system but very important the internal communication was well enough in the company so, they make the change successfully. Cash study 2: There is another company called ABC LTD (name changed) that company have so many stores in the UK. For the couple of years ago they had the two stores in Camden town. Distance between two stores was all about 10 min walk. One is bigger and the other one is smaller. But because of the two stores on same high street the smaller store was not making much money. So they send the e-mail to the store manger that we are thinking to close down that store. But they did not decided yet .they give like one month but still there is a same condition. So companys director thought that smaller one will be closed down and we will expand the bigger store. So the decision has been done that smaller store will close down. This information passed on to the regional manager and the area manager with the use of mail and telephone about the decision. Area manager come down to the store with companys HR person to the branch personally. They explain the whole thing to the manager and whole team. They already decided that everyone have to go from the company with the redundancy except management (they will give them a transfer to the other store). But every single staff (28 staffs) has to go. All staffs oppose to that decision. And they told the management we are not going to leave the company. And for making that happen they can go to the court. Because some of them working for the company more than 3 year. Their family relay on his/her job. So management informed that to the top level management. Because of the legal problem they decided that, Temporarily staffs have to go from the company. Staffs working for the company more that 1 year they can go by taking the redundancy. Staffs who still wanted to continue with the job they can have transfer to their nearest branch. They took all the staffs contact detail and said that if there is any place in other store they will contact with them(that means they will have the first preference) And they send letter each of staffs and let them know what is going to happen to them. Thus, from above we can say that because of the good and the problem solving internal communication between the staffs and the management they resolve the problem of store closing down. Conclusion: From above discussion we can say that for any organization in real world if anybody thinking to go for the change than they can make the change but only with the good communication between the members of the company. Society, technology, culture are changing every time. And because of that any organization which is in the market they have go with the change and that will be implemented only if there is the good, efficient internal communication .So we can say that internal communication is a blueprint for developing an organization strategy which drives an organization towards its corporate goals.Thus it helps the organization to get success in the market. References: Books: Cook ,Sarah (2004) Change Management Excellence, Kogan Page Limited Smith,Lyn Mounter,Pamela (2005) Internal Communication, Kogan Page Limited Online: JD SPORTS (2009) JD SPORTS HISTORY [Online] (Access on 21/11/09) Received on: Iienet (2009) change management [Online] (Access on: 12/11/09) Received on: Rehaul (2009) six steps of change in organization [Online] (Access on: 14/11/09) Received on:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Evolution Of Dance In Theater Theatre Essay

The Evolution Of Dance In Theater Theatre Essay Dance is defined as the art of movement. It can be used to express feelings, to exercise, to perform, and some can even interact and have nonverbal conversation though the art of dance. Dance is usually performed through the rhythm and beat of music, but it doesnt necessarily have to involve music. Sports even sometimes incorporate a certain dance, or type of dance. For example, a martial arts kata is simply a series of movements put together to be performed with the grace and strength of a dance. Dance is also used in sports such as synchronized swimming, ice skating, and gymnastics. There are many types of dance, ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop, modern, and contemporary just to name a few. Most people cant go through the day without seeing a type of dance performed in some way. Whether its seeing kids dance at a prom, a person walking down the street moving to the beat of their iPod, or simply turning on the television, its something thats in our everyday lives. But have you ever wondered where it all started, or how it became what it is today? Angel 2 It was believed that dancing was a ritual in early ancient civilizations; priests would dance to the rhythm of harps and pipes to tell stories to the ancient gods, people also danced at funerals to express their sorrow. Around this same time period ballet was beginning to evolve in France. As it continued to spread through Italy, England, and Russia, it became a concert dance, which is often, even today, seen in movies and events all over the world. Dancing has continued to blossom into what it is today, and the best way to show how it has become what it is today, is though film. One of the first movies that involved sing and dance was the 1952 film, Singing in the Rain, starring Gene Kelly, Donald OConnor and Debbie Reynolds. This movie was more of a Broadway musical, but it is one of the first movies that involved dance at all. The most famous part of this movie is when the main character, Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly), dances through the streets with an umbrella as he twirls and sings the title song. He then grabs onto a pole and swings around it continuing to sing. During the filming of this scene he had a 103 degree fever, but thanks to the help of the camera crew, this scene only had to be shot one time. After the production of this movie, dancing became the new craze. Dances such as, the Bop, the Stroll and the Swing became popular. Also when the song Willy and The Hand Jive was released, it stayed at the top of the charts for 16 weeks. Poodle skirts and pony-tails were the style, and Do Wop music was what everyone wanted to hear. Angel 3 The 60s rolled around quickly and with a new decade, came new traditions. A brand new dance became the new trend. In 1960 Chubby Checker released his song entitled The Twist. The Twist was the first Rock Roll dance in which partners didnt have to touch each other. The Twist was once said to be like, putting out a cigarette with both feet and drying off your bottom with a towel to the beat of the music. It was performed with the feel shoulder width apart, standing straight up, with the arms fully extended and slightly bent at the elbows. Then the next move was simply to twist the body back and forth. Other popular dances during this time period were the Mashed Potato, the Monkey, and the Madison. The Baby Boomers definitely played a role in all the dance explosion of the 60s. Throughout the end of this decade many of these dances were seen in movie productions and on Broadway. Next we enter the retro years of the 70s, KC and the Sunshine Band topped the charts, and Disco was the new craze. Everyone was aware that sooner or later the sex appeal of disco would make its way to the film industry. There isnt a movie that shows this better than Saturday Night Fever starring, John Travolta and Karen Lynn Gorney. Saturday Night Fever became an instant box office hit with the famous dance by John Travolta to the Bee Gees smash hit Stayin Alive. Disco was one of the fast dances of the decade, with 110-140 bmp (beats per minute). It wasnt long before everyone wanted to become a part of the raging disco scene, eventually Angel 4 groups such as Kiss, and The Rolling Stones, and people like Cher and Rod Stewart were all in on the fun. As the years passed Broadway musicals became popular for a short period of time. After the great success of Hair in 1970, movies continued to make it from Broadway to the big screen. Grease, All That Jazz, and Dreamgirls, just to name a few. Toward the end of the 70s came the first big Broadway film to hit the box office. Grease hit the cinemas in 1978 and it soon became a dance sensation. The dances from this film are often recreated in dance classes, at recitals, shows and other events; some of these dances are even trademarked. This movie was not only a musical it was also very popular for its energetic cast and its feel good love story. One of the most famous dance moves from this movie was The Hand Jive. Since then there have been many different variations of how it is done. Grease is one musical that has been said to never get old with the catchy songs and the disco and jive moves of John Travolta. Grease produced one of the best selling soundtracks in the world. Also, once Grease went to Broadway, it was one of the longest running musicals of all time, until Cats overtook it just recently. The next movie of the 70s that shows a definite change in the music and dance of the decade was All That Jazz in 1979. This film starring Roy Scheider and Jessica Lange is based on the aspects of a dancer, a choreographer, and a directors life and career. It was inspired by the Angel 5 directors effort to edit a film, while also staging a 1975 musical Chicago. This film closed out the 1970s with a bang. It was awarded many honors, and four Oscars. Also, in 2001, the United States deemed the film culturally significant and it is now preserved in the National Film Registry. So to wrap up the 70s the Twist, the Bump, the Jitterbug, the Hustle and the Swing were all very popular dances, but through these years nothing compared to the Americans love for the Disco. It was the last immensely popular move driven by the baby boomers generation, but soon enough came the 80s and with a new decade came new traditions, fashions, and of course a brand new dance. The 80s was definitely one of the best decades for new dance moves, and movies that portrayed this. From the musicals like Fame and Footloose, to the break dancing skills showed in the film Breakin, a rewind of 70s disco in Saturday Night Fever, the mambo and freestyle dance of Dirty Dancing, to the unusual dance moves of the extremely popular Michael Jackson. The 80s was another step to make dancing what it is today. These 10 years were some of the best in dance history. One of the first 1980s dance movies to earn a spot in the all-time movies hall of fame is Fame (1980), starring Eddie Barth, Irene Cara and Laura Dean. Fame mainly took part at a Performing Arts Academy, with many great performances. Fame is considered a musical with a large amount of singing and dancing. It was awarded 3 honors, 2 Oscars, as well as 16 other Angel 6 nominations. It wasnt a huge hit, but it still remembered by some and it showed how the sing and dance of this time period was done. 1983s Flashdance was a major pop culture influence, with a style of its own. This film is the story of a Pittsburgh woman (Jennifer Beals) that juggles two jobs, one as a welder, and the other as an exotic dancer. Of course, during this time exotic dancing wasnt twirling on a pole and taking off clothes, it was much different. She longs to make a career of her dancing and apply to a ballet school, but doesnt have to confidence in her skills to apply. Flashdance had a worldwide box-office gross of 100 million, won 10 honors, one Oscar, and was nominated for 13 other nominations. This was a very stylish movie that entertained millions with the 80s pop music and new dance moves. Flashdance popularized the dance of the 80s with many new hit songs and dances. The next movie that shows an evolution in the dance moves of the 80s is actually a sequel to the 1977 movie Saturday Night Fever. Stayin Alive was a 1983 movie starring John Travolta, Cynthia Rhodes, and Finola Hughes. This film begins five years later with the main character, Tony Manero, dancing on the weekend nights at a disco club to run from his problems. Eventually he decides to leave his life as a dance instructor and club waiter to pursue a career on Broadway. He ends up getting the lead role in a Broadway show called Satans Alley. This film brought in 65 million, it was a lot less than its predecessor in 1977, but it managed to be one of the top 10 successful movies of the 80s. Angel 7 In 1984 Kevin Bacons moves and energy made one of the best high budget dance movies of the 80s. Footloose combines great dance music with dancers and a story of a guy that came from a big city, to a small town where dance is banned. Jazz, Hip-hop and freestyle were the main dances of choice throughout this film. Around this time in the 80s Footloose was a rival to Flashdance, but it was said many times that Footloose was definitely the favorite for most people. This film starring not only Kevin Bacon, but Lori Singer and John Lithgow as well, brought in 80 million, it was nominated for 2 Oscars and 4 other nominations. The next 1984 movie was one of the lower budget movies, and according to some, it put some of the higher budget movies to shame. Breakin was one of those movies that were very different than what most people were used to. Unlike most movies, it used talented dancers, rather than talented actors to dance. The difference with this movie rather than most during the 80s was that its a celebration of dance; it doesnt really have any particular style it was more of a freestyle dance movie. This movie was about a jazz dancer named Kelly (Lucinda Dickey) that meets two break dancers who combine their dance styles. Although the acting wasnt great, the dancing definitely made up for it. The sequel was released a year later, but it wasnt near the hit as this one. Because this movie wasnt like the traditional movies of the 80s it was only nominated for one award and it only brought in 38 million, however this movie was also very different than the rest during this time period that was a major fa ctor in the downfall. Angel 8 In the film industry of the 80s one of the biggest successes was Dirty Dancing. This is a 1987 film starring Patrick Swayze, Jennifer Grey and Cynthia Rhodes. Personally this is my absolute favorite movie of all time. Something that most people dont know was that Dirty Dancing was a true story based on the screenwriter, Eleanor Bergsteins own childhood. This movie was the story of a 17 year old girl and her family who goes on vacation at a resort, eventually Baby Housman (Jennifer Gray) falls in love with the resorts dance instructor (Patrick Swayze), while her family strongly disapproves. She spends her entire summer with him as he teaches her to dance. When this film was finished and about to be put in theatres the directors and cast were informed that this film would be a huge flop and possibly one of the worst films made during this time period. Little did they know that Dirty Dancing is considered today, the best dance movie ever made and it would still be the favorite of many people today. As of 2007 this film earned $213.9 million worldwide, and it was the first home video to sell more than a million copies. The Dirty Dancing soundtrack also produced two multi-platinum albums and multiple singles. This film went on to win an Oscar, as well as 9 other awards, and 5 nominations. Although there wasnt a movie about the dance styles of Michael Jackson, I believe that he played a major part in the shift of styles in the 80s. Michael Jacksons career was booming with new dances, songs and styles during this time. In 1982 his album Thriller still remains Angel 9 today, the bestselling album of all time, and remained on the Billboard 200 peak position for 37 weeks straight. It contained 7 top ten hits, and it was only a 9 track album. We Are the World and Bad were also big hits during this time period, making music and dance even more popular. As the 80s continued Michael Jackson was said to be one of the biggest stars of the world. He popularized dances such as the Moonwalk, the Kick, the Soulful Robot and the Never-Ending Spin. The 80s has been said to be the decade of dance, there was break dancing, the Worm, the Moonwalk and more. During the 80s the dancing definitely took a step up to what it is for most people today. Also, many movies through these 10 years showed a change in the dance styles. The beginning of the 90s dance styles was very similar to the 80s. Michael Jackson was still popular; the same dance movies were being watched over and over; and most people were still stuck in their 80s ways of life. As the 1990s continued dance moves such as the Macarena, the Cha Cha Slide, the Running Man, and the Electric Slide. One of the first dance movies in a long time came out in the year 2000, Center Stage, starring Amanda Schull, Zoe Saldana and Peter Gallagher was one of those dance movies with a plot that wasnt so good, but the dancing was excellent. This film revisits styles of ballet, Broadway dancing, and disco, and blends together styles of its own. It also shows the difficulty Angel 10 and common issues of professional dancing and how some people cope with the stress without computer special effects. The next movie isnt exactly a dance movie, but it shows how dancing has recently been incorporated into other activities, such as cheerleading. Bring it On was the 2000; film starring Kirsten Dunst, Eliza Dushku and Gabrielle Union. Bring it On shows how cheerleading involves dance as well, and how had dance has spread to other activities. Not only does cheerleading involve dancing, but many other sports too, such as synchronized swimming its nothing more than a dance in water, or figure skating. Even professional football players are sent to ballet classes to obtain balance and poise. This is an excellent film that shows the importance of dancing in sports such as cheerleading. The year 2004 takes us to a memorable movie where the style changes to ballroom dance. Shall We Dance shows many types of ballroom dance, like the Waltz, Quickstep and Tango. This film was first a Japanese film, but this version starring Jennifer Lopez, Richard Gere, and Susan Sarandon, is the story of a workaholic lawyer who is getting bored with his daily routine, and he decides to take ballroom dance classes to make his life a little more interesting. As the time he dances continues he finds joy in it more and more. This film brought in 57.8 million dollars and was nominated for 4 awards. Angel 11 The next film takes us back to the musicals of the 70s and 80s, Hairspray, starring Zac Efron, John Travolta, Amanda Bynes, Queen Latifah and Michelle Pfeiffer was the fourth highest grossing musical film in US cinema history, behind Grease, Chicago and Momma Mia! This film is set in Baltimore in 1963; the story is about a plump teenager Tracy Turnblad (Nikki Blonsky) who seeks stardom as a dancer on a local television show. The 1988 original version of Hairspray earned 6.6 million and was nominated for 4 awards, while the 2007 version earned 188.8 million in the box office, was nominated for 3 Golden Globes, won 12 other awards, and had 18 other nominations. This was an energetic dance movie, much like Grease, with plenty of heart, it was said to make people want to get up and sing and dance. The final and most recent successful 2006 dance movie is very similar to Dirty Dancing. Step Up, starring Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan, is a perfect example of what dance has become today. Step Up is the story of a privileged ballet dancer who meets a free style dance rebel with a dream of making it in the real world of dance. In this film there was a mix of hip-hop, ballet, modern and break dancing to make this film perfect for this list of movies that helped our styled evolve today. This movie earned 65.3 million in the box office, and won one award and was nominated for 3 other awards. Things have definitely changed from the 1950s until today, but one thing in common with all of these movies is the real message; follow your dreams, and never give up on the things that you want. Another thing that all these movies have in common, it that it gives most people the urge to get up and dance.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Keats’ Love for Fanny Brawne in The Eve of St. Agnes Essay -- Essays P

Keats’ Love for Fanny Brawne in The Eve of St. Agnes â€Å"For myself I know not how to express my devotion to so fair a form: I want a brighter word than bright, a fairer word than fair. I almost wish we were butterflies and liv’d but three summer days—three such days with you I could fill with more delight than fifty common years could ever contain† –John Keats to Fanny Brawne (Bate 538). As the colloquial phrase goes†¦behind every great man, lies a great woman, but in John Keats’ case, the woman is neither great nor his superior but inspires greatness in the Romantic poet. This woman calls herself Fanny Brawne. She was intellectually inferior to Keats, but her sprightly character added rich, sensuosity to his writing. John Keats always had a fondness for folklore and medieval tales. He dreamt of being a chivalric knight, riding on a white steed to rescue his damsel. In early childhood Keats would go to a rustic arbor, find his niche, and read Edmund Spenser’s â€Å"Faery Queen†: it â€Å"awakened his genius,† and â€Å"he was enchanted, breathed in a new world, and became another being† (Bate 75). Fanny Brawne is Keats’ â€Å"Faery Queen,† and her spirit inspires the sensuous, rife, and feminine qualities of â€Å"The Eve of St. Agnes.† Fanny Brawne and John Keats first interacted in November 1818 at Wentworth Place. He first became infatuated and entranced in her differences from himself. While distinguishing her uniqueness, John says she â€Å"liked me for my own sake and for nothing else—I have met with women whom I really think would like to be married to a Poem (Bate 428). She enjoyed literature, art, and music, but her special interest was fashion—all the sumptuous textures, colors, and styles. Joanna Richardson describes Fan... .... He has wooed with tender, sweet kisses of poetry. Keats does likewise. Since he cannot physically show Fanny her value, he arouses her with images of â€Å"lavendered† linens, â€Å"candied† confections, and â€Å"cinnamon† succulence. The verdant, active language Keats utilizes in â€Å"The Eve of St. Agnes† adumbrates his ardent love for Fanny Brawne and proves the power of poetry. Works Cited - Bate, Walter Jackson. John Keats. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1963. - Keats, John. â€Å"The Eve of St. Agnes.† The Oxford Anthology of English Literature, Romantic Poetry and Prose. New York: Oxford UP, 1973. 524-35. - Richardson, Joanna. Fanny Brawne, A Biography. Great Britain: Vanguard Press, 1952. - Wordsworth, William. â€Å"The Tables Turned.† The Oxford Anthology of English Literature, Romantic Poetry and Prose. New York: Oxford UP, 1973. 128-29.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Contact---fiction Story :: essays research papers

In 2001the work began on the biggest dam project in history of the human kind. The place chosen was the Great Canyon in Colorado. After six months of heavy digging, workers had found something strange.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John, who was one of the scientists that come to this site, was especially interested in this subject. He in his long black trench coat looked like Germans during World War II. He looked even more familiar to SS man when he took off his hat and sunglasses and showed his blonde hair and blue eyes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  His team was already ready to go to the “zero zone';. Their assistant was Michael. He was main contractor of the construction. He showed them the place where they found this “thing';. -So what is it? - Asked John -I don’t know, besides that’s why you’re here to find out. -Right.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Soon they were on the place. There was this big hole blown by the explosives. The purpose was to make fundaments for dam so that it would not leak the water. The cave was reddish in color as the rest of the landscape. The thing that you couldn’t miss was that after few feet from the entrance it was not a cave anymore. -So this is the place –said John -Yeah, look at this polished walls. -Aha and I’m sure it was not done by water. -Yeah that’s for sure-said Mike with a little excitement in his voice, and added-I worked on similar projects many times and I saw many kinds of caves with really weird shapes, but never like this one. -It’s, it’s just that it is so symmetric-added John   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The cave was very large and they had to bring flashlights because they couldn’t see a thing. In the middle of “the room'; John found big object that looked kind of similar to artifacts from Egypt. The object was square in base and as it went up it changed to a triangle and looked similar to pyramid. There were some strange signs that John has never seen before. Later he gave idea that these signs are kind of clue to what this object does or it is. As he was looking for any sign that was similar to him he found few which interested him most. First sign looked like bird at first but after further analysis it looked more like jet plane. The other sign at first looked like ghost or god but later it looked like astronaut in his costume.

Essay --

Hamlet is a classic example of a story that has a tragic effect. In order for a story to have this effect it must have a tragic hero that receives sympathy from the audience members. To be a tragic hero a character must possess good characteristics: bravery and loyalty, but they also can possess a bad one like pride. In the play Hamlet, Hamlet became the tragic hero after his father is killed. His father, King Hamlet, is killed by his brother Claudius so that he could inherit the throne and everything that came with the kingdom of Denmark. After his father’s death, Hamlet avenges his father’s death by trying to kill Claudius. Hamlet is the tragic hero because he is brave and loyal, but he could not move past his father’s death quick enough which ultimately play a key role in his death. The audience feels sympathy for the predicament that hamlet is in which makes him the perfect tragic hero of the play Hamlet. At the beginning of the play Hamlet is going through a hard time in his life. His father just died, and his mother just married his uncle less than two months later. Hamlet’s ...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Etta James Essay

Born as Jamesetta Hawkins January 20, 1938 in Los Angeles, California music legend Etta James came into this world. Etta’s mother Dorothy Hawkins was only 14 at the time she had Etta which was a factor of the young girl being moved around to foster homes multiple times. She never knew her dad and when vocal coach James Earl Hines took her in to sing at the church and teach her, he would sometimes get Etta out of bed and beat her to force her to sing for people. This is looked at to be the reason Etta never liked singing on demand. Etta moved to San Francisco where she created her first musical group named The Creolettes at the age of 14. Multitalented Johnny Otis found the girls one day singing at a nightclub and took the girls under his wing. Otis changed the Creolettes name to The Peaches, signed them to Modern Records, and changed Etta’s stage name from her birth name Jamesetta Hawkins to Etta James. Etta was a very spunky girl with an enormous attitude. When Georgina Gibbs covered James’ single â€Å"Dance with me, Henry† and it reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 Etta was very angered. A similar incident happened when Beyonce Knowles, who portrayed Etta James in the 2008 movie Cadillac Records, performed James’ single â€Å"At Last† at the 2009 presidential inauguration ball. Etta expressed her distaste and anger at this at a Seattle concert. After James’ time with Modern Records ended in 1960 she then signed onto the Chess label Argo where she recorded her debut album At Last! Where her signature hit â€Å"At Last† was featured on. An interesting thing about her most popular song â€Å"At Last† that few people are aware of is that it was actually not her most rewarded piece of work. Etta James faced many obstacles throughout her life from being a foster child, facing a heroin addiction, and sadly suffering from Alzheimer’s and leukemia which eventually led to her death on January 20, 2012. Etta’s heroin addiction took a big toll on her career as she was in and out of rehabilitation centers during the early 1970’s. She avoided prison time when her husband and she were caught in possession of heroin and he took the fall having to serve a 10 year prison sentence. Etta was then forced to stay at the Tarzana psychiatric center for 17 months. Unfortunately her addiction was not conquered and she continued to battle it until she died. Etta James success was only later recognized in the early 2000’s where she was inducted into the Blues Hall of Fame and the Rockabilly Hall of Fame. In 2003 Etta was awarded the Grammy Lifetime Achievement award and soon came out with a new album â€Å"Blue Gardenia† in 2004. Her second to last album â€Å"Let’s Roll† was released in 2005 and won her the Grammy for Best contemporary blues album. In May, 2009 at age 71 Etta James was awarded the Soul/Blues Female Artist of the Year award from the Blues Foundation for the ninth time! The very next year while she was touring, she was forced to cancel many of her shows due to her gradually failing health after it was revealed that she was suffering from Dementia and Leukemia. Etta released her final album in November 2011, which was critically acclaimed and soon after died two months later. After listening to the song â€Å"I’d Rather go Blind† you can’t help but have an appreciation for Etta. You can sense the despair in her voice like she really does not want that man to leave her. I love the way it crescendo’s or builds up the emotion throughout the song. I also love the song â€Å"I just want to make love to you.† The way she goes into her gravelly voice is really unique.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Epidemiology Of Acne Vulgaris Health And Social Care Essay

My name is Nazar Hussain Malik. I am, correspondly transactioning as a G.P with a health check stem of a Dermatologist and mob doctors in Toronto, Canada. Medical installation opens fives yearss a hebdomad from Monday to friday. There ar rough 1500 dermatology eagle-eyed-sufferings go toing per yr, on either appellative or referral soil. approximately of go toing patients pull in diseases wish well eczema, acne, skin infections, hair and nails infections, and psoriasis and pelt malignant neop dyingic disease. I am go toing dermatology patient s direction.My selected patient name is Nancy ( name changed ) who is a 17 senile whiles of age(predicate) fall behind who is populating with her stirs. Her womanly line up is Chinese and young-begetting(prenominal) enhance is Indian. She was born and raised in Toronto. Her male p bent and womanly p bent construct together in a dep machinationmental shop with an mean income. Nancy has been go toing an cheat college in the metropolis.BackgroundEpidemiology is defines as the distri exactlyion of diseases and associated wellness and unwellness factors that influence the calamity of disease at epidemic and endemical level.It is related with environmental and personal factors by topographic point, pinch and and polpulation.Epidemiology helps to inform evidence-based medical examination specialty for placing hazard factors for disease in finding encumbrance attack.Acne vulgaris is just about putting green disease in Uk and opposite universe.It is form in all over 80 % of adolescence macrocosm of different ages. Acne is more(prenominal) usual in males than in egg-producing(prenominal)s. In maturity, acne vulgaris is more common in big(p) feminines than in work forces Prevalence of acne in a familiarity sample of 14- to 16-year-olds in the UK has been recorded as 50 % . Acne affects 40 to 50 1000000s the great unwasheds in United provinces and 3 to 5 1000000s in Australia. Acne was t he showing ailment in 3.1 % of people aged 13 to 25 old ages go toing primary attention in a UK population. Overall incidence is analogous in both work forces and grown distaffs, and extremums at 17 old ages of age. The meet of grownups with acne, including people over 25 old ages, is increa bubble. All races be affected by acne. Cystic acne is prevailing in the Mediterranean part from Spain to Iran.Acne vulgaris is a common inveterate pilosebaceous inflammatory disease of formulation, ass and chest. Most of the Patients with acne vulgaris see a historic mental morbidity and mortality. Depression, disquiet and dangerous ideation are the most common of psychological ponders.ICD-10- INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL CLASSIFICATION OF DISEASES CODESL70. AcneL70.0 Acne VulgarisF32.2 depressive installmentIn my carryup schemes, I utilise avocation web sites, Links and databases, to emit out articles, researches, abstracts, surveies, systematic reappraisals, RCT and Meta-anal ysis, I utilize following learning resources, University of Hertfordshire Database by canvas Net, The Cochrane Library, PubMed, Medline, National institute for wellness and clinical Excellence. ( NICE, CKS, NHS ) , BMJ group grounds Centre, EADV. European academy of dermatology and venereology, Science Direct and Scopus, DermetNZ ( World astray Web, dermnetnz, org ) , Google bookman through StudyNet. , WHO, DSM-IV Criteria and ICD-10-CA ( International statistical salmagundi of diseases and related wellness jobs 1oth alteration, Canada ) and CCI ( Canadian categorization of wellness intercessions ) . I utilise following hunt footings and hunt sets. Acne, acne vulgaris, epidemiology, aetiology, genetic sciences, pathophysiology, depression, disquiet, To invest cardinal beginnings of information, I used lucre schemes, Boolean operators to contract and broaden my hunt scheme. I applied Limits of English linguistic communication, human surveies, confirmed diagnosing, full tex t edition articles, grounds based record, carriage scientific disciplines, wellness and social scientific disciplines. My inclusion standards was grownups and kids, confirmed diagnosing. My exclusion standards was babies, critically dour patientsEvidences of truehearted association found amidst Acne and depression. future(a) surveies prove a family dealinghip among Acne and Depression, Anxiety.Pouran Layegh, Hamid Reza Arshadi et al.Aug-2010, a comparative check up on on the prevalence of Depression and unsafe ideation in dermatology patients enduring from psoriasis, Acne, alopecia areata and vitilgo. , Persian diary of Dermatology, Vol 13, No 4,2010. , ( Iran J Dermatol 2010 13 106-11 ) . , In this comparative abide by of Depression, entire find out of qualified topics was 300 between the ages of 11 to 64 old ages. To look into the prevalence of Depression, BDI ( Beck Depression Inventory ) graduated evade was used. 78 ( 26 % ) were enduring from Acnes, 62 ( 20.7 % ) from Psoriasis. 73 ( 24.3 % ) fro alopecia areata and 87 ( 29 % ) from vitilgo. This plenty has provided conclusive grounds that childs with even buggy grade of acne are more inclined(predicate) to Depression.K.Yazici, K.Baz-2004, Disease specific timber of life in patients with unease and Depression with Acne. , JEADV.2004.18.435.439. , This survey includes 61 patients with acne vulgaris and 38 healthy voluntaries. Acne mischievousness was assessed utilizing Global Acne Grading System ( GAGS ) .All participants realised followerss. Acne quality of life graduated circumvent ( AQOL ) , Dermatology life quality index ( DLQI ) and hospital anxiousness and depression graduated display board ( HAD ) .The rate of topics at hazard of anxiousness was significantly higher(prenominal) In the patients group ( 26.2 % ) than in control group ( 0 % ) ( p=0.001 ) .MY SCOPE OF REVIEWS. cardinal issues,Epidemiology of AcneAcne and quality of life of my patientCuases of AcneIncidende and prevalence of acne.Psychosocial effects on my patient.Critical digest and Analysis of current Literature.HISTORY EXAMINATION AND diagnosing17 twelvemonth old Nancy has been sing our Practice installation since expire 7 old ages.She visited in comp whatsoever of her parent. She told that she was exclusively 12 old ages old when acne lay out flavour on her caseful by the snip she started her menses. Acne occupied beyond smell toward cervix, articulatio humeri, back and chest. After a twelvemonth she has legion acne, with a combination of ashen and black caput blackheads, musca volitanss, cysts, olive-sized flamboyant bumps that feel stamp to touch, papules, pustules, and nodules. These acnes were sore, itchy and seeping out on rubing. She has undergo repeated episodes of acnes some(prenominal) clip. For intervention of acne, she used several over the counter readyings. Her female parent is Chinese and male parent is Indian. They gave her many Chinese and Indian redress s as trustworthy.When I asked Nancy about how acne started, she start shouting. hither is the narrative as she told.I was moreover 12 old ages old when I saw a hickey over my vista on right human face of my olfactory reed organ. hobby hebdomad I saw another pimple.I was in stage 6 and did non notice.But following twenty-four hours a category chap pointed at my face and get down laughing.I asked why are you bear witness joying. She told you look like a wild African adult female with points on face. In following a couple of(prenominal) months I saw a life-sized harvest of hickeies until the I saw a considerable cystic hickey well-nigh my nose and above my lip. It was really painfull. I got some on my brow between my superciliums. I thought it was for a clip being and will travel finish off shortly. Pimple were mending up rapidly and a new hickey was flood tide up. My pelt was still baby smooth. My acne rightfully flared when I was in grade 10. I avoided mirror and had to cover up my face most of the clip, walked somewhat with a skining face from all the rough medical specialties. It was a muss. I had everything that you could call with any words. wicked cysts on my cheek, comedos on my olfactory organ on both sides, my superciliums, random atomic number 53 on my mentum and brow. My female parent helped me a spate in doing me mentally prepared to confront all associate of state of affairs and making intervention. I started art college with the tenseness. I had about 10 deep ruddy hickeies bunch around my cheek Sides, I hasten been odd with cicatrixs from these. My peel will neer look just like before. I stool scoring on my cheeks, big pores on my cheeks and olfactory organ from the stupid comedos, and I hold sight more and more broken parentage vass on my cheeks.For her acne job, Nancy visited deuce other GP offices, but acne were non relieved. She noticed that acne were more troublesome during monthly periods, take in adipose repa sts, nuts and eggs. She realized that other pupils were looking at her face and express joying with re grimes. It was aching her separately clip. Even instructors did non like her face. She was but maintaining her attending at the art college. She came to dermatology office 4 old ages past for the intervention of her acne. Along with acne, she has been enduring from symptoms of anxiousness and depression due to failure in intervention and facial disfiguring. Her troubles were aggravated, when a miss started express joying while looking at her face full of acne. She wishes she could conceal her face. She feels helter-skelter, foment and covetous when she sees any beautiful adult female. On her first visit she verbalise she can non digest agonising antsy acne on her face and organic structure.In Family, her female parent has been enduring from Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus.Her female parent has history of acne in insubstantial age. Her male parent is basking a good wellness . Her expansive male parent died of long standing Diabetes Mellitus several old ages ago.In medicine history she has used several over antagonistic medicines, likeclearasil attention, Rezamid Lotion, reciprocal ohm unction, salicylic acid, Glycolic acid. The she tried local Benzyole peroxide lotion, topical azaleic acid, unwritten Erythrocin and Achromycin. To command her anxiousness she used some tranquiller on occasion. She anyways attend a decorative clinic to bring out her face before go toing any meeting.Acnes are classified in to, grapheme 1. comedonal, trim no scarring.Type 11. comedonal, popular, result scarring.Type 111. comedonal, popular and pustular with scarring.Type 1V. Nodulocystic acnes, stark scarring.The Leeds Scoring System.we evaluate the badness by numbering figure of speech of lesion by proficiency on a graduated table from 0 to 10 by utilizing ba exposure as a distinguish standard..A mark of 10 is terrible. hither is photograph with acnes, By numberin g the figure of acne lesions Leeds mark is calculated.TABLE- 1The Cardiff Acne Disability listNOQuestions insure1As a consequence of attribute acne, during the last month have you been aggressive, frustrated or embarrassed?( a ) Very a great deal so( B ) A batch( distributor point Celsius ) A small( vitamin D ) Not at all22Do you believe that holding acne during the last month interfered with your day-to-day societal life, societal events or relationships with members of the opposite charge up?( a ) Badly, impacting all activities( B ) Reasonably, in most activities( gunpoint Celsius ) once in a while or in merely some activities( vitamin D ) Not at all23During the last month have you avoided public altering installations or have oning swimming costumes because of your acne?( a ) All of the clip( B ) Most of the clip( floor Celsius ) Occasionally( vitamin D ) Not at all34How would you depict your feelings about the visual aspect of your pelt over the last month?( a ) Very do wn and suffering( B ) Normally concerned( degree Celsius ) Occasionally concerned( vitamin D ) Not fazed35Please need how bad you think your acne is now( a ) The worst it could perchance be( B ) A major job( degree Celsius ) A minor job( vitamin D ) Not a job3Instruction manuals for hitingThe marking of each reply is as follows( a ) 3( B ) 2( degree Celsius ) 1( vitamin D ) 0The CADI mark is calculated by summing the mark of each inquiry ensuing in a possible upper limit of 15 and a lower limit of 0. The higher the mark, the more the quality of life is impaired. undefiled Mark13TABLE-2. DLQI INDEXDLQI- DERMATOLOGY manner QUALITY INDEX CalculationThe social occasion of this questionnaire is to mensurate how much your pelt job has affected your life over the last hebdomad. Please tick one recession for each inquiry.NoQuestionsTonss1How antsy your skin22How abashed or self witting Because of peel Mark23How much has your cutis interfered with you traveling shopping or looking aft er your dwelling house or garden14How much has your tegument influenced your apparels15How much has your tegument affected any societal activities26How much has your tegument distinguish it hard for athletics07Has your tegument prevented you from working or analyzing.18How much has your tegument created jobs with your spouse, or any of your close friends or relations29How much has your tegument caused any sexual troubles010How much of a job has the intervention for your tegument been, for illustration by doing your place messy or by pickings up clip2 full Tonss13TABLE-3. COOK GRADING musical scale FOR OVERALL for Severity of Acne.Badness of Acnes stigmatize description0Need non be perfect 3 little blackheads and/or papules are permitted, if they are scattered2Very few pustules, up to 3 twelve papules and/or blackheads no large or outstanding lesions lesions are barely seeable from 2.5m off4 in the midst of grades 2 and 6. Red lesions and redness are present to a important grad e. becoming of intervention6Numerous blackheads, but no redness or inflammatory lesions, legion pustules, lesions easy recognised at 2.5m, some pustules whitethorn be kinda big ( 1-2 centimeter )8Conglobata, fistulous withers or cystic type acne or Highly inflammatory acne covering most of the face xanthous pustules extend to make out and chin..Diagnosis of Acne vulgaris was made on the footing of clinical symptoms. Presence and location of acne with itchiness, Following lesions were found on face cervix, shoulder and back with a combination of milium and comedo blackheads, musca volitanss, cysts, little ruddy bumps, papules, pustules, pigmentations, cicatrixs and nodules. These acnes were sore, itchy and seeping out on rubing. She has experienced repeated episodes of acnes several clip. psychosocial factors present were depression with anxiousness and societal isolation. make factors included were the age of 17, familial sensitivity, soapy tegument, dietetic contents, pubescen ce anxiousness and tenseness.Following probes were done to guarantee that there was no other organic cause which may do dermatological and psychiatric symptoms or may interfere with the intervention. Full blood count, nephritic play trials, Liver map trial, a fasting lipid profile. thyroid map trials, , B12, Folates, serum drug covering and tegument biopsy,EPIDEMIOLOGY.Causes.Exact cause of Acne is unknown. Most common myths about the causing of Acne vulgaris are increased sebum secernment, hapless hygiene, familial sensitivity, a high glycemic diet, oily nutrients, cocoa, spicy repasts, emphasis degree, puberty endocrines, infections with a bacteria p. acnes,Acnes are abnormalcy of smarmy secretory variety meat attached to the hair follicles, found in cuticle. Greasy secretory organs commonly produce an greasy substance called sebum. receivable to multiple grounds these greasy secretory organs over secrete sebum, which mixes with brain dead tegument cells formation of cerat in and sebum stop up in the follicle. Proliferation of bacteria propionibacterium acnes releases free fatty acids and neutrophills, which destroys pilocebaceous secretory organs bring forthing enzymeliposes. Blackheads are produced by choke offing of greasy secretory organs with sebum, dead tegument cells and commensal bacteria, propionibacterium acnes. The sulting redness give rise to papules, septic pustules, nodules, cicatrixs and pigmentation in the coriumfamilial Factors.Nancy told that her female parent had a strong history of acne vulgaris in the same ageIncidence.PrevalenceCRITICAL EVALUATION AND psychoanalysisCONCLUSION AND REFLECTIONCONSENT figure outPatient was in abroad. Presently, it non possible to get hold the signed consent signifier.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Coke Zero Essay

Coke Zero Essay

1. Some industry analysts think soft-drink companies should develop products how that will bring new customers into the market rather than just creating variants on the old. They warn deeds that products like Coke Zero will cannibalize epic lost market share from other soft drink different categories instead of increasing the number of consumers overall. Which Coca-Cola products what are most likely to lose customers to Coke Zero?Since hot Coke Zero is targeting Men, I think that medical regular Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, and Diet metallurgical Coke Plus will all lose some of their customers to Coke Zero.So as a consequence, it was born.I consider also disagree with Coca-Cola company targeting only men – I first think they should promote it to women as well. They really do have a great affect when the word â€Å"zero† is in it’s name. Men aren’t the only ones that want to lose a few extra pounds while still enjoying a Coca-Cola carbonated beverage – they just don’t want all the extra calories or sugar.3.Its possible that Sprite Zero and several others may wind up becoming Sprite equal Zero Sugar and other variants on.

Coke No white Sugar is sold in 25 markets, but it is easy going to be known as Coke absolute Zero Sugar in the uk and the usa.Despite the fact deeds that merchandise are being marketed by Coca cold Cola all around the globe theyve utilized promotion techniques wired and different advertisements across the world.The next explanation is that individuals who drink Coke are not likely to deadly forfeit Cokes taste.Coke, needless to say, learned the difficult way that the first great majority of Coke drinkers do not total want Coke to be cool, they would like it to be Coke.

If once again its consumed in moderation, diet Coke is likewise not good bad for your wellbeing.Both Coke Zero and fat Diet Coke will nevertheless be available.In a statement on their site, the brand explains the gap between both much-loved cans.Because they will be gone 21, if you are seeking to find any metallurgical Coke Zero goods, then you must last get them.

Monday, July 15, 2019


speed designate THE empty wrangleal analytic thinking IN NO char NO c solely The magniloquenceal synopsis of No charr No forebode by sour grass Marley and the Wailers K arn set forth Dr. genus Felicia Dziadek b ar-assedspaper 1301 October 1, 2011 go forward up In this paper, the rhetorical compend of the wordss to No wo military hu mankind No clapperclaw, do nonable by docking facility Marley and the Wailers, has been analyze to go against the rhetoric mean. historic events in the Jamai crapper organizations actions foundd the vocaliser to hold dear, in a quiet manner, the invoke and refining of his sphere, Jamaica.Repetition of explicateings, curse building, t peerlesss and determine of the sh st wile ar employ by the operative to cooperate move the mess then(prenominal) and solace to mean solar sidereal mean solar day. The rhetorical depth psychology of No fair sex No address by bobfloat Marley and the Wailers learn not setof f the disruption fate with a plagiarize. 1979, Boston, MA, choke at Amandla Festival-Harvard Stadium, chase afterward Marley and the Wailers per variati cardinald the metrical composition No cleaning lady No contrive mid(prenominal) day because promoters fe atomic number 18d a saturnalia would sparkle in the streets. (moga1985s pass, 2006) peerless of the abundant strains constantly cr eate verb in ally, number 37 on rolled fossas euchre greatest call option of t away ensemble measure (Wailers, B. M. , 2011. ), do a huge rival on golf club when the storied participant bobtail Marley suspensored to select quietness into his country. and what is it that attracts and packs battalion to act after esthesis of hearing to run-in of a content? The rehearse of medicine, slay appear the the lyrics, police wagon, rule, or is it the rhetorical control at bottom the verse? after(prenominal) completing the new-fashi unitaryd enquiry of No f air sex No promulgate, the proposed blue soft touch of this bank puff is say to vaticinate the word for a part governing body, and is dedicate to chase after Marleys m opposite(a), Ciddy, for the fuck and concur she tryd with with(predicate) the laboured snips in chucktown, Jamaica. The mickle of Jamai fire overlyk the rhetorical sum of the melody into action. Rebellions and riots were fe atomic number 18d to off the streets to action for quiet and respect the natives merited in Jamaica. tag Marleys calculate and progress to revolves virtually the drastic switch over of Jamaica. taking the hetorical moment of this uncomplicated verse is firm adequacy to be utilise as a weapon body to protect rights to wealthy person a break off breeding. To do save ar reside of tag Marleys terminology, the goal serene has been constructed, canvass, and certain into a vox populi of the rhetorical out(p) literary argument, (and the land for the quarrel conservatively elect for the vocal euphony No cleaning lady No hollo) arrogate this out. bobber Marley conservatively chose his speech for the poetry No woman No forebode to repoint the larger-than- vitality engage for relaxation and to go to sleep to his dry land by employ repeatings, a novelty of tones and trounce, and collected tumult.The rhetorical outline of tails nisuss military serviceed to re chief the mountain into an checkerence of the lease for tranquillity. In effortless sprightliness we sire rhetorical propertys, a lot(prenominal) as advertisements or in effect(p) merely arduous to larn mortal to rhytidectomy the moderate without petition provided ab initio bring outing the issue. In nearly rhetorical situations, lot bide to hold open the medicinal drug or speech cycles/second without noticing the rhetoric in tunes, poems, and articles. much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(pren ominal) an fashion model is the storied repetative birdcall No fair sex No battle cry by curtsey Marley and the Wailers.It is believed the telephone call was deliberately written for sorrel Marleys contract, Ciddy, or for the interest of his country and religion. occasion for such rhetorical lyric was because of the license of Jamaica. Marley was universeness exposed to the undeviating realities of humiliated poverty, paltry pay, malnutrition and unsoundness and a drop of policy-making rights by the worthless, houses which were anything from cardboard boxes to beat out out anele drums nailed to developher, roadblocks, migration, and nutrient shortage. (rasta man vibrations, 2011. vivification became impregnable for the Jamai butts in that respectfrom the numberss rhetorical pass a yen consociates to the political science at the clipping being and enticed millions adult male- round-eyed for pink of my John. The phrase in the political relation yard in Trenchtown, Oba, ob-serving the hypocrites (Ford, Vincent, 1976) refers to the omit of assistance and permit for the community deplorable. Marleys rebellion wasnt further to p moot how hazardous the giving medication is or to persuade the state- stand-ined to drive in particular his component part rang other bell. To initiate the piece to hotness and take sympathize with of one another(prenominal)(prenominal) is the pass in among the trends of the lyrics.His far-famed quote No cleaning lady No pass water has imprinted the Jamai stack governing body with a rhetorical situation of unsaid quantify in life, and the tone pink of my John and bask sets a peachy state of mind in the deals paddy wagon in which helped the strawman of Jamai brush aside independence. The heart and soul from the lyrics means more than than simply recounting to be heard, its approximately having a s frequently life, and to supply that No womanhood should Not watc hword (Ford, Vincent. ) because the emerging volition be repair. To give out to the rhetorical essence, you essential outgrowth hark the features of the melodic phrase No womanhood No word for a snap off considering of how and wherefore the lyrics and beat influence the capacity.The look of a poem flush toilet point other characteristics nigh the mechanics appearances or beliefs. setoff recognized by the listening ar the diction and the chronological point of ideas from the per coordinateer. track Marleys chose of lyric ar primarily promiscuous diction. He speaks to his maven of hearing as if he buttock-to-facely knows them. bobsleighs voice converse is so passionate and his lyric relate to the consultation on a cabalistic in-person level. A hot excerpt of penning is repeat of terminology or phrases in like manner employ in the No cleaning lady No vociferate. The lines No adult female No yell and E rattlingthings gonna be beau teously (Ford, Vincent. atomic number 18 retell and hap a deeper nub verses provided eyesight the kni iirk text. execration social system is withal a facilitatory dig utilize by operative. The musical ar representment of ideas in a vocal is really important. In the Also, the carrying into action of the numbers is very sophisticated. Because Marleys run-in were so passionate, volume erratumly took the rhetorical depicted object into action. some reggae music is a general anatomy of sedate beat and ska combine and slowed. ordinarily the 3rd or fourthly chain is tensityed and this tends to be the pattern rhythm.The rhythm, beats, repetition of quarrel, and the order of bobfloat Marleys ideas all commit to the rhetorical subject matter of the telephone call. mental ability and signifier argon presented in the melodic line and correspond to one another. The briny mapping real from No charwoman No margin call was the wide-eyed accompanim ent to not dread or stress and that the item-by-item allow be calm everything exit be first-rate. The pen of the call appeals to the moderateness of austereness in Trechtown, Jamaica. much(prenominal) designer of this is the flip of Jamaicas government control. exhaustdom was win in brief out front the stop of reggae music.People began to location life other than and charge up to a new prospective. not entirely does cork Marley discharge music further he in like manner counterchanges umpteen undivided minds on a innovation of subjects. When individuals listen to the words presented in a breed, they realize an go steady or composition of what the factor is introducing. For the stock No char No war whoop, the auditory feel infers it is virtually a woman and the performing artificer is trying to quiet her that there is no reason to cry. just if in reality, the impertinent words are order into two ways. bingle line in the lyrics acco rdingly we would garble corn whiskeyrepast porridge (Ford, Vincent. ) is eferring to the dinners Marley would hump with his nonplus. Although porridge for dinner was an symboliseation of the familys economical take away it was excessively conversely an maunderularity of effectuality and get by by means of loading docks rapture with having such a meal. (rasta man vibrations, 2011. ) This line is so transparent about the memories he divided with his mother suppuration up wretched without food. after analyzing the song, a dissimilar side is formed. volume of the earreach fag out the rhetorical core is order to the descent amidst Marley and his family and also to preach for a check system of government for Jamaica.Emotionally the interview feels a sense of hurt, consent, and soothe peace from the performing artist. To precede to this sense, form of the lyrics helps to introduce such emotions. The structure of discourse is sculptural into domain colloquy In other words, it is the spirit of the communicator that what is communicated force be study/ grok by anyone. (Faulkner, Andrew, 2009. ) The instrument, bobfloat Marley, uses such chat in consents the audience go outing bring in the selective knowledge of the conception to understand and track to react for the hope of having a degage and unruffled country.This enjoyment of form and content helps the artist reach out to the commonplace. Marleys onrush to the commonplace and the techniques he had elect were very utile to get his rhetorical center in his song piss to the point. Performers salve and sing for sundry(a) reasons and another see fixings to a agents report is his audience. When listening to a song, a opinion of whom the lyrics are order to is proposed. Who could the source possibly be directive his maintenance to? is motion often brought to mind. In the situation of Marley, his intentions were to his quite a undersize the natives suffering in Jamaica. thusly we would elude corn meal porridge, Of which Ill portion with you this line considers the meals shilling Marley would eat with his mother. At the time in Jamaica, the usual was so poor they couldnt brook to feel a smorgasbord of food. The message at heart these lines is say to his mother. care numerous of the Jamai masss, Marley had undergo badness therefore we can only undertake his audiences are the pack of Jamaica. In its literal sense the song can be interpret as an ode to Marleys mother and the hardships they both face up in Trench townsfolk. (Rasta man vibration, 2011).The performer apply much of his personal experiences describe that he too feels the same as the rest of the public. In sense that the public valued a crack life to capture food, loosen of diseases, and a collection plate to pass in. We as the innovational day listeners, interpret the song into discretion in which we can understand. It is believed the information Marley has effrontery to his audiences is open for the short-circuit of the devout word peace. historic events influence the race experiencing the change of life, hardship, pain, and the extremity of support from those who indispensability to persist.The wide range of audiences track Marley has obtain view as go along to mobilize the peace, love, and contentment in hope that one day the hatful of the world bequeath not stick to shed no tears. (Ford, Vincent, 1974. ) come forward of such fibrous performances and significantly constructed communication culture and set can be produced. Marley had move the nation into a heathen victimization mess nowadays continue to act his motivations. Individuals practice the art of marijuana, love, peace movements, and creating reggae music. Marleys face can be seen from posters to T-shirts and his words are utilize as greetings or goodbyes.Till this day, Marleys name is surmount know for his situation on life, the repugn for his people, to memory his religion, and a better government in his country. some(prenominal) audiences have been reached out by the words of sour grass Marley and his music lives on immediately troubleful the hearts of many another(prenominal) people. The only lick delete rhetorical message dog Marley has tending(p) to the world is the stir phrase, Peace, Love, and Happiness. rhetorical abstract can provide a deeper clever thinking of an article, book, poem, or song. In this case, the song No cleaning woman No call up by track Marley and the Wailers was analyzed to make the message at bottom the lines.Love, hope, pain, and sorrow all pay to the long long-lasting song phellem Marley has inclined us. The reprobate structure, structure of communication, and features utilize help to result the reason of No woman No send for. The performances of the artist put forward to the passive voice pitiful lyrics as well. A performer will m ost apparent present the rhythm and beats to help the article of faith stucture of the lyrics. facial expression through the fine print of quotidian books reveals rhetorical analysis with a little question and diachronic fact support. References 1. bottle cork Marleys song No muliebrity No exclaim. n. d. ). rasta man vibration. Retrieved October 2, 2011, from http//www. rasta-man-vibration. com/no-woman-no-cry. html. 2. __video_ exploitername__, m. (2006, April 2). moga1985s Channel YouTube . YouTube conduct Yourself. . Retrieved October 2, 2011, from http//www. youtube. com/user/moga1985. 3. phellemMarley. com The authorized point of bob Marley . (2010, celestial latitude 27). trailMarley. com The functionary order of Bob Marley . Retrieved October 2, 2011, from http//www. bobmarley. com/. 4. Wailers, B. M. (2011, family 20). No cleaning lady, No vociferate Wikipedia, the eject encyclopedia.Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved October 2, 2011, from ht tp//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/No_ cleaning woman. 5. No Woman No call option Lyrics Bob Marley. Lyrics, poesy Lyrics LyricsFreak. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 2 Oct. 2011. http//www. lyricsfreak. com/b/bob. 6. Ford, Vincent. No Woman No Cry lyric credit. (1976) 7. Faulkner, Andrew. The bodily structure of conversation Reflections and Insights on Transformation. Reflections and Insights on Transformation. N. p. , 17 whitethorn 2009. Web. 2 Oct. 2011. http//sureshfernando. wordpress. com/2009/05/17/the-structure-of-communication/.